Jay, I expected better from you. I started replying to you last night, but I decided to wait and get my thoughts down in a clearer fashion. First of all, let’s be very clear, because someone has a different view to you about how best to deal with this virus, doesn’t mean they agree 100% with everything the government has done. As you know, I’ve been an advocate for the lockdown since early on, I thought it should have happened sooner and I thought it should have been a proper lockdown, not the width-washy unenforced, vague guidance we were given. I initially agreed with the economic policy that the government announced, it sounded fantastic on paper, but it soon became clear that we either didn’t have the infrastructure to execute the policy effectively or there were unnecessary hurdles and caveats; in particular with regards to the self-employment scheme. I believe, and have done since the beginning, that Universal Basic Income would have been far better, along with an overhaul of the tax system. Whether you want to believe this or not (I suspect I know the answer), the government was truly following the scientific advice when implementing the lockdown policy. Whether it’s my opinion, your opinion, Chien Lee’s opinion or Barbara Windsor’s opinion, it didn’t impact the government’s decision. I read the paper that provided the guidance that initiated the lockdown and I happen to agree with the conclusions it draws. It looks right to me, it was written by someone that knows far more about viruses than either me or you. I still genuinely believe that had we not locked down when we did, our death numbers would have absolutely dwarfed the numbers that we ended up with. The scientific research backs this up. Clearly you don’t think so. I’d love to hear a well thought out plan for how to protect the vulnerable while ensuring they get the care they need. I don’t believe it possible, I really don’t. I really want to hear what you would have implemented. I guarantee I can find more holes in it than a block of Emmental. Thats even ignoring the protection of people with undiagnosed conditions, something which I don’t believe should be acceptable. I think it goes without saying, but I also disagree with hospitals stopping treatments for other illnesses. From my understanding, part of that though is that treatment such as chemo degrades the immune system to such a degree that it would put the patient at far higher risk of the virus.
It’s not the Government’s fault. It’s not the scientists’ fault. It’s not the people who break lockdown and makes it all last longer’s fault. It’s not the employers, who’ll take advantage of any situation to screw their employees over fault. It’s not even the people doing the murdering’s fault (even though we have no idea who did it or why). It’s someone posting on the BBS’ fault and a different person on that board is not going to let them get away with it. Ever. He promises. Rightio then.
http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/millions-of-us.290994/page-3#post-2467485 (This is 100% a whataboutery post)
Does anyone know this chap Jay personally? To make sure he's OK. There seems to be something not quite right here. I may be wrong, and if I am, I apologise.
Nar - he’s just having another bout of histrionic behaviour - which he is often prone to. Occasionally he just needs his legs slapping.
As opposed to you needing a constant slap round the chops every time you utter the constant drivel that has become your trademark?
Yikes!! I thought he was being sarcastic until I read some of the posts on here. If it was a genuine, like others have stated on here, I hope he is OK as that was serious stuff he posted suggesting all is not well.
Not personally, but know enough about her to say Opportunity certainly knocked for her, a bit too often If I’m honest. Sodding Clapometer
Yes mate, I know Jay reasonably well. We generally meet up at half time at the home games. Top, Top Lad.