Being a policeman is one of the most stressful jobs you can do. Cleaning up the mess that society makes and seeing things you can’t unsee. Without condoning his actions on that day, I am terribly sorry for the people he has left behind.
Very sad all round really. For him, his family and for not seeing justice being done (regardless of outcome). Excuse the ignorance on my part but what was the victim doing that led to this?
Don’t know myself, but seem to remember reading posts in a thread that alleged he was a ‘Known’ hooligan and that he was with his parents who were encouraging him in a fight prior to this. As I say I don’t know if that’s the case, but I know it doesn’t excuse the excessive force he received, but could go towards explaining ( not excusing) why that officer did that
Apologies if I've missed it and don't wish to appear insensitive but where in the article does it state cause of death?
It doesn't say. I suppose they are waiting for the coroner's report. It was only last Friday so I suppose it will take a bit of time. I guess people's assumption is suicide.
I think it's fair to say that's the most likely cause judging by the tone of the article, but I still feel people are jumping the gun. A friend of mine died and it was reported in a similar style but it wasn't suicide.