I think that if people need to wear masks in shops then it probably isn't safe to open pubs and restaurants. Despite that I'm aiming to open in early August, with bookings and table service only and a drastically reduced capacity, but that's just because I've literally run out of money and it's either that or go bankrupt. As said above, I think the government is abdicating responsibility and passing it on to the public and business owners. With no more support coming from them we have no choice, whatever the risks may be. All we can do is trust them when they say that it's safe.
Thanks for replying, it wasn’t a trick question, I was genuinely interested.i must admit I struggle with the concept of its alright not to wear in pubs etc but compulsory in shops. It must be an awful position to be in and no one should try to judge you for that decision either, everyone has to make a decision on what is right for their circumstances. Wish you all the best
Tell you what. If your ale house is on a route to a game next season ill have half a dozen lads minimum from half 12. We'll put some brass behind bar.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...review-way-PHE-counts-coronavirus-deaths.html Makes for an interesting read that and the scaremongering MSM haven't been in a hurry to bring it up.
Heres a question. Before it was required to wear masks on the buses, the buses were full (as full as they were allowed anyway) Since masks were introduced they are more or less devoid of passengers... Why?
But now is not the time for reviews or inquiries and I`m sure lessons will be learnt. Locking down earlier would have restricted the spread and the death toll would have been lower. Hancock is a ****** and this is Tories already shifting blame. Utter Basturds.
Covid is so dangerous that we don't have covid bins around so gloves and masks worn out and about can be binned safely. You can wear your mask, possibly cover it in covid and then just put it in your everyday bin for a binman to come in to contact with to take away for you. As I saw someone put you can be wearing underwear and a thick pair of jeans and still smell a fart, so what's a thin non medical mask going to do.
Some of the comments on here are bizarre. The same folk who were against lockdown are also against wearing masks which facilitate coming out of lockdown. It seems that what they really want is the right to do whatever the f**k they want regardless of the impact on everyone else. It's a facemask not a ball and chain. The broad consensus is that it helps to limit the spread. Stop moaning, undermining and just wear one.
Unfortunately The Entitled will see this as something else where they’ll do what they want and sod everyone else. If the Police don’t enforce it then it shouldn't be left to some poor shop worker. Imagine some young college lass trying to refuse entry to a gang of 15 year old lads out to intentionally cause trouble, or vicky pollard types who know there’s nothing the shop worker can do. I really don’t mind wearing one if its going to help manage the situation but I’ve seen folk kicking off at the entrance to Morrisons because they were invited to use the hand sanitizer so what chance have shop workers if folk refuse to wear a mask .
Hi Mr Bird? Yes.. Id like to spend a grand in your shop next Saturday but I am not wearing a mask. Ok what time shall we see you...
You can still smell a fart through medical grade masks as well. It doesn't mean the mask doesn't stop COVID particles, as this expert explains. Methanthiol particles are much smaller than COVID-19 particles. And so endeth DB3K's chemistry lesson! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/science...jeans-stop-fart-mask-prevent-coronavirus.html
quite a few places have sanitiser at the entrance though its inconsitent Just been to my local garden centre which has a food hall though its now completely seperated and you have to leave one to enter the other. The Garden centre entrance had a massive sanitiser on the wall at the side with a big sign saying to use it. The food hall didnt work that one out
I don't care from a personal point of view of it bothering me wearing one or not much anyway. It will mean I don't go shopping as much as I otherwise would because nobody LIKES wearing a mask so in less inclined to do something that I know I won't enjoy doing My bigger issue is that I don't want to be anywhere near people who believe that because they are wearing a mask they are invincible. I think legislation should be used forcing shops to make adjustments that will create a bigger distance between customers rather than allowing them to get as close as they want but wear a mask. In fact I'd be quite happy if BOTH those measures were in place but they aren't. It's ok Tesco putting little stickers on the floor saying two metres and having arrows but if someone is standing in the middle of an aisle looking at something you have to walk past them within arm's length. That's not right imo. Pubs have to make changes to the layout of their premises, restaurants are forced to remove tables, hairdressers HAVE to wear visors. Supermarkets? "If you could ask people to walk down aisles this way and that it would be appreciated" If the larger retail outlets removed even a fraction of their range it would enable them to dramatically increase the spacing within the store but from what I can see none, or very few, have done anything like that. It should be compulsory to provide hand sanitiser stations at the entrance to store AND at the checkouts but I haven't seen anywhere with anything to sanitise your hands before you use the touchscreens and the use of sanitiser at the entrance is very hot and miss depending on the store. In short, I think masks are the wrong option from a safety point of view. They should be a last resort not a first line of defence but because they are a visual thing and the government wants to be SEEN to be in control they've been brought in and made compulsory.
Can't wear them, steams my specs up so I can't see. Also since I've never been ill (temperature has stayed below 37C since march) and there is no compelling evidence that they protect me by me wearing one, I see absolutely no reason for me to wear one.
Well isn’t that selfish of you? If it doesn’t protect you, you can’t think of a single reason why you should wear one. Even though it is perfectly possible to be asymptomatic which means you won’t get a temperature. My husband and I wore masks for the first time yesterday (first time we’ve been in a shop since end of March) and he wears glasses and had no problems whatsoever.