Joking aside it just frustrates me how much money these owners waste on the wrong options. A lot of the money they have injected could have been spent more wisely.
Not knocking the owners let's face it without them plugging the loses we'd be up **** creek but I'm intrigued to know why we are still seeing big loses 3 seasons into league 1 on decent crowds? I'm hoping the next set of accounts show significant improvement. The wage bill should have been significantly reduced post championship relegation we've also seen circa £8m in transfers fees installments or not that's funds still incoming onto the balance sheet.
I was talking to a bloke in the bar Wednesday, top bloke. Turned out he was checking Portsmouth score as he sponsors them. I asked him if he fancied sponsoring BFC . Think I knew the answer for going Billy big ******** for knocking his team Chelsea out o the cup.