My go to song, through half a life in London. It could have Epic Soundtracks & I in tears, if we were on whisky, always on John Cales piano refrain. Never seen this video. Kudos to whoever made it.. Great thread, by the way.
This makes me happy. Because I was playing with one of Britain’s best post Beatles songwriters. He could be a **** but can’t we all? & my guitar break is a little bit awesome.
If you’re not on your feet when you hear ‘Sup up yer beer and collect your fags’ you don’t love your country
Corinne Drewery looking stunning aged 28 , she is 61 now and think the swing snapped, its awful getting old
Same here! - only grumble is that they seem to play the same music repeatedly - would like to hear some more music from composers who are not 'mainstream.'
Love that. Has a bit of a ring of the Go-Betweens about it. (One of my favourite bands). Guitar player sounds decent too.
Awesome track, although I'm not sure how many rows really have ever gone on near Slough. More chance of a tiff near Cardiff TBH.
It smelled like pubs & wormwood . scrubs got a little bit of money & takeaway currie, gonna take it back home to my Wife..