Hello again Jimmy. We're currently ****** Jimmy. Tactical voting? Really?Dinner party points scoring for wanna be intellectuals. The media have so much control of voters. Policies are for election campaigns, holding little integrity afterwards. To me it's Ethos and at least having a Labour government gives us more chance of investment in society, for the good of all. Not saying it would happen, but it might. I can't see that in a blue world. I'm with Pope and the Icicle Works...."Hope Springs Eternal".
I'll criticise both sides equally. I genuinely don't believe in the process anymore. So please don't think I'm biased in any way, towards any of them. I'll grant you, the Tories are much more blatant in their corruption and distain for the working poor (the rest of us), but don't think for a minute that things would be any better with the red team at the "helm". As I argued previously, I believe both of them are bought and paid for by the same corporations and private interests.
Ah so if you vote for anyone other than Labour you either selfish or clueless? No one had any compassion last month a month before xmas when no main leader had the balls to call for a ceasefire in Palestine. Too many jellies on either side left or right who will vote Labour or tory regardless.
I would like to see where I have said on this thread or any other that the Guardian or Observer is a far-right newspaper or where Cruddles is part of the rightwing media, typical of a Tory MP to make things up to suit themselves never thought I would see it on a football supporters bulletin board.
I do wonder what the anti-Keir mob on here want as an outcome. There is no challenge to him, and he's not going to alter what he sees as the route to victory. Of course if he loses the election then all bets are off. But what is it you want short of that? Do you seriously say you are indifferent to Sunak and his cronies getting back in?
Give over the guy had more luggage than Heathrow airport, and his politics just didn’t appeal to the wider electorate . The media thing is just a convenient excuse for his apologists , he might have been popular with some but it wasn’t a far ranging appeal. I was travelling a lot of the North of a England at the time and the majority just didn’t like him as witnessed at the polls.
You know it's quite possible to be critical of Starmer and not also want a Tory Government, and not be part of a "mob". It's also possible to admit that Starmer isn't the ideal answer to 13 years of Tory hell, and defending him against every reasonable critique. Ironically you sound no different to all the Corbyn supporters you detest....
All he has said is that the current model of just chucking more and more money at the NHS is unsustainable and any thinking man will know this to be the truth. The alternative is not simply to turn the taps on for massive profiteering. That’s not what he’s advocating but I agree that he does need to put a bit more flesh on the bones of his reform agenda. For anyone interested, I’d recommend listening to his recent interview on the News Agents podcast. He’s obviously a smart guy and for now I’m trusting him to come up with radical reform that will ensure a sustainable future for the NHS as we know it.
Right so back to which specific Labour policies promote hope and social justice. Where have they said they will invest more for the good of all. Happy for you to reference something Your dull ad hominem attacks still impress me not at all. I’d just leave the booze alone if I were you. .
The NHS has not had money chucked at it. It’s been starved of cash. It’s been deliberately run down for privatisation by the Tories. He would have a point if he wasn’t telling basic lies to the gullible. Hence why doctors are now paid less than people who work at Aldi. There are currently around 120k vacancies across the NHS. Would you agree that those vacancies need funding and hence money spent on them. My missis before she left the wards was almost always the only qualified nurse on her shift. This is pretty much in breach of all policies and she started reporting these as incidents on a daily basis. They basically had to admit that yes there were lots of vacancies but they had no money to fill them. Missis left but the situation remains the same.
none specific just a general opening up of further privatisation by stealth. It then allows Governments to say they are funding the NHS at record levels by including stuff like Track and Trace as money given to the NHS not Dildo Hardon. https://inews.co.uk/news/labour-plans-nhs-private-entrepreneurs-2820261
Nope it’s impossible. If you don’t want a right wing government of either hue you support the Tories. Very cultish.
Look at your original comment. I understood this to imply you believed that Cruddas criticism of Starmer that he made in The Observer was as party of a right wing media attack on him. Maybe you didn’t mean that so if you want to be more clear give it a go.
Had the press & broadcast media not hounded him as they did, he'd have won the popular vote. Did you ever try to get into a venue where he was speaking? More turned away than saw him speak. I wasn't convinced, but your statement just doesn't stand up.
That's 99% bllocks and 1% lies. Hammered by the right wing press, which was then lapped up by the racists.
Hi Jim, you are very entertaining. Post without comment? Then you're never away! Name dropping, having worked with John. I doubt if ad hominem has ever appeared on the BBS, then twice in two days. I am honoured. Don't be upset, I know you've flounced before, but denied it, so I'll refrain from calling you pompous. I am at a loss as to your lack of understanding ethos. Happy new year. Moving on to Wigan, COYR