I thought it always was, seem to remember you used to get a box of bits and make what you want. More controversial when they came out with the polystyrene heads instead of spuds imho
Without getting too far down the rabbit hole; the baby boomer generation benefited from: jobs for life, free education, gold-plated pensions, early retirement, inheriting their parents wealth, good work-life balance, relatively long peace-time. Do you think Gen-Z have those benefits? If not, do you understand why they might want things to change?[/QUOTE] as sweeping statements go that’s way out there with the most ridiculous examples. I’m from the baby boomer generation and not one of the first five applies to me , and the sixth only came in from middle age on when I learned some sense,
as sweeping statements go that’s way out there with the worst! I’m from the baby boomer generation and not one of the first five applies to me , and the sixth only came in from middle age on when I learned some sense,[/QUOTE] My Dad's never had owt either.
The funniest thing about all this ridiculous, stupid, childish outrage from the gammons is that it's not even true.
Humans can be biologically male (XY), biologically female (XX), biologically intersex/hermaphrodite (XX, XY or *both*) and more exotic combinations - XXY, XXXY, etc Humans can also have different gender identities, from the majority cisgender through pansexual, asexual, and transsexual, etc. As a species, we are no longer just "male" and "female".
XXY, XXXY affect males only. As a species we are male or female except in the extremely rare instance hermaphrodite.
Biologically yes. But people with non-binary gender identities do exist and many countries have legal provision for that. 'X' Gender or similar. I know a few people that are legally non-binary.
I think it's brilliant. The amount of people who are OUTRAGED about this SHOCKING thing is greatly amusing. It's PC GONE MAD.