So you're denying that Jas Athwal was suspended the day before the CLP selection then? Or that Tarry has been triggered by every branch in his constituency? Ho hum.
Again when your source material stretches beyond the Daily Mail and implying Raynors judgement nay be skewed then get back to me.
Not really worth it when you can't provide anything meaningful in response, other than repeating the same comments as before. You seem happy enough voting Green and committing to campaign against Labour anyway, so no value to be gained from it.
It has oft been said. Economics is not a science. It has also been said.. If you laid all the economists in the World head to toe they would still never reach a conclusion. Most economists talk twaddle. I studied economics (albeit only to A level standard but with a great teacher who went above and beyond the curriculum - he ended up lecturing at the LSE). Even then Economics was always a hotbed of controversy and debate. Even Keynsian vs Friedmans created arguments. You might as well get the Tarot cards out when predicting economic trends beyond a few weeks /months . And as regards FX rates (a friend who spent his working life at the bank of England said that there was often no logic in the fluctuations in rates other than speculation and rumours (which often resulted from Economic forcasting which regularly turned out to be inaccurate. Anyone who puts their entire faith in Economists (Nobel Prizewinning or otherwise) might as well go to a Gypsy Fortune teller.
glad we agree you have no sources for your snide thinly veiled misogyny other than The Mail and innuendo. Took a while but we got there in the end.
Still the same old tripe. It's far more important to remain doctrinally pure than compromise and get rid of the worst government ever to stain this country in modern times. Let's argue about how many Socialist angels can dance on the head of a pin rather than get our hands a little dirty. I just hope that, at the next election, their numbers are too small to prevent some sort of coalition of the reasonable dragging power from the hands of the Trusses and Reece Moggs.
What seems to be getting lost in this debate is that Tarry has been sacked from the front bench, not from the party (although his constituency appears to be on that case). If the Corbynista faction dislike the leadership, why don't they initiate a contest?
That ones out of the window now. After what’s now been proven in the Forde Report it’s clear which side of the Labour Party is interested in winning elections & which isn’t.
Having just read the Guardian's take on the Forde Report it seems to illustrate my point. The main opposition party divided by dogma and antagonism and failing to mount a united challenge to a despicable government. It's still happening.
If they’ve tried to ‘both sides’ that report then that’s ridiculous. It exposed the Labour office diverting funds away from winnable marginal seats & instead to safe seats held by critics of Corbyn. It exposed that the general secretary deliberately sat on anti-semitism cases to undermine the leadership & it exposed anti-black & Muslim racism in the party by people in the main Labour office. Many of these same people are still in the party under Starmer & some have even been promoted despite the messages been in the public domain for over two years now. The left might disagree on policy but this is another level. Starmer’s comments the other night when asked about what’s been exposed were a disgrace. He was rambling on about NATO & anti-semitism instead of what’s been exposed.
You seem to be missing the point that he went rogue and gave interviews without authorisation. He’s been sacked for breaking rank and giving interviews. You can debate the rest gladly, and you’ll likely get plenty of support for the views. I seem to recall past labour leaders, and even Tory ones sacking ministers who went off piste.