I can't comment on layouts as I've not been in a supermarket for nearly a year and i'm sure they vary from one place to another. But people have choices. They don't have to dive across others, or stand facing them. They don't have to enter a congested area which comprises distance. I think it might have been you (apologies if not) highlighted issues before with people standing talking near checkouts making it impossible to be distanced. They are individual choices and could be made differently. I chatted with a friend a while back who had a break in Wales earlier this year and named numerous things where people just weren't doing basic things. From a toilet with a sign saying one at a time where there were multiple people walking straight in (and some not even washing hands after). Of congested groups at entrances to places. Not wearing face masks. Not social distancing. And this was a time where Wales were close to locking down specific areas. Angst and disdain is rightly merited for the government. But some people deserve the same too.
I don't think that was me because I've not really seen that. My issue with supermarkets is that they literally force you to queue in aisles for the checkouts. Socially distanced but in aisles where if you want to buy any food you have to walk. You really don't have a choice but to get close if the food you need is next to a queue of people.
Then clearly that's a design flaw and should be changed, or at least highlighted to them to encourage them to change it.
I’m with Danny here. There are choices to be made. Mine is go to a 24hr supermarket and do the messages at 1am in the morning. Very quiet. I feel safer and I’m doing my best to keep others safe. I know many do not have that choice but there are choices out there
I've highlighted it to the major supermarkets who simply said that they're in line with government guidance. It's not just one supermarket either it's all of them
Hold on your not suppose to say anything like that on here.Everybody knows its the governments fault when it snows.
I'm not sure now. It wasn't during previous lockdowns as you couldn't get availability. I'm personally ok as I can go at weird hours and don't shop very often at all but I imagine if you've got a family you're screwed and don't forget that if everyone tried click and collect it couldn't handle it so while not everyone has to do it a lot do have to pass people in supermarkets
Anything but full lockdown will never work, we,ve tried wishy washy lockdowns and tier systems yet we,re still in a worse state than ever , we now have scientists saying that they advised the government on certain things weeks ago and were ignored , if this is the case , the government certainly are to blame, they do seem to have been 2/3 weeks behind the curve from the very start, Boris does seem to be a bit of a trump character, ie, very arrogant , knows everything and just won,t listen to people who are obviously more qualified than he is..Yes there are people flouting the rules and if genuinely justified should be fined, but people automatically blaming other people is just letting this government off the hook, you only have to look at the death rates compared to the rest of Europe to see its been handled poorly....
I wouldn't pretend it's always easy. My mum has click and collect from Asda and has generally always found a slot, and in between she's had a few online deliveries, but they have been difficult to get. There are choices and alternatives, as Ian outlined for himself, and you did too, that aren't simple like we used to have, but allow us to mitigate risk as much as we can.
Nope, its not the Government's fault when it snows. Nor is it the Government's fault if people are moronic or have no commonsense. However, it is the Govenment's fault that the virus has had such a devastating impact here. How anyone can argue that point is beyond me. The Government is and has been a virus enabler.
but they do nothing to correct it though, absolutely nothing. Water off a ducks back to the ar.seholes. They just shrug shoulders and carry on
It takes quite a lot for this Speaker to actually take offence over DePfeffels constant lying and use of inflammatory language. Thankfully he finally did after DePfeffel asked to be held to account then made to look a mug by Starmer by citing the governments own standards to DePfeffel, meaning he could only unleash a volley of below the belt rhetoric in reply. Sadly, the Speaker didn't call out his constant use of "Nationalist" when referring to the SNP.
Unfortunately the SNP are seen as very bad people by the majority in Westminster. So I was not really surprised. The good news is that the lump of lard is slowly but surely losing all credibility and will soon find his position as PM a lost cause.
I'm not sure he's ever had much credibility. Serially cheating on his wife who had cancer. Fathering illegitimate children that he's genuinely lost count of. Kicked out of politics for lying. The millions he frittered as London Mayor, the affair with a lapdancer/business woman he spent huge amounts on to take her on jaunts around the world and get contracts and contacts she shouldnt have gained. Then all we've seen under his overly lengthy period as our PM. He's a disgusting pathetic individual in just about every form of measuring it. Yet its shocking the level of support he still gets.