Someone said we will be down before the Christmas tree. I had to correct them that they meant to say before it goes up.
Christ. Get a grip. Who’s gonna buy us. We don’t even own our own ground. Yeah they’ve cocked up here, but let’s see what happens. We don’t want someone coming in racking up debts and going into admin.
A no-show will only work with full buy-in from a big majority. We're hardly likely to be on telly, so although 8k turning up might SEEM like a protest, the club will still report 11k and the wider public will be unaware of any unrest. Likewise a 21 minute walkout (great idea) would work with everyone behind it. Yes, the will have our money, but the coverage of a mass walkout and the negative press it brings would teach them a lesson. And I'd rather do it now, whilst we are still reasonably buoyant mood following promotion, than LET IT FESTER FOR A FEW SEASONS and my club turn into the next Oyston basket-case club who are the laughing stock of the league. Act now. Let's get it sorted and let them know.
I wonder if the Board would be bothered if we protest eg. petition, walk out, car park demo, stay away etc. Their collective attitude thus far speaks volumes. Deep down, it appears that they don't care. The ST money is in the bank and they are probably hoping that they can ride out the storm so they can change things in January.?
I don't understand why but I honestly feel they WANT to alienate the fanbase. It's the only explanation for their deliberate actions. Paul Conway didn't accidentally piss off everyone with that statement. He hasn't accidentally gone into hiding. He didn't accidentally say it's our best transfer window or accidentally say we were making a record signing. They were all deliberate actions And they have history of doing the same thing at nice. No idea why but it seems they want to piss fans off.
The problem is, I can’t imagine there’s a big queue of investors wanting to buy a football club like ours, in a position that it is at the minute.... we could end up being the next Bury.
Exactly, too much cart before the horses thinking on here. Get rid of the current owners requires someone to find 10-20 million quid to take it off their hands.
Just stop spending any money there.. If you want a pint or a pie get one in town. Don't buy any merchandise. Most folk have already paid to get in, but you don't have to keep throwing your 'hard earned' at em..
You wouldn’t be able to get out. The gates are locked. If there was a boycott of a home match the attendance would be announced as 12,471. The games f@@ked.
We would probably struggle to find a suitable investor prepared to buy the Club from the present owners. They managed to convince our late owner of their credibility and must have passed the FA's " fit and proper test" so it begs the question, if they have the assets, why are they not investing in proven/experienced quality players to establish us in the Championship at the very least.? They can't stop any player wanting to leave, but it's puzzling why they won't deviate from " the spreadsheet" and have bought quantity instead of quality. They are going to have to initiate a change in format, otherwise they are going to alienate our loyal hardcore fan base.
But surely that would be a case of other people trying to influence how I spend quality time with my children as we like to make a good day of it. Let’s also remember that people were giddy as owt when the signings were raining in during the summer. Feel free to go or not go but please don’t piss on one of my family and my hobbies
You realise I wasn’t suggesting making it mandatory you can act as your conscience leads you. If you and your kids are enjoying your days at Oakwell then all good. After all it’s hard to imagine anything better than our current performances or any better setting than a cold draughty oakwell with crumbling facilities. as I said solidarity and collective action is not the mark of the football fan. Football at all levels relies on the partisanship loyalty and let’s face it gullibility of its fans. There is no logical reason to support Barnsley so we start from an illogical decision and get exploited. Onwards and upwards.