All sounds awful to me, doubt I'll set foot in a pub or restaurant while social distancing is in place. The sector is in huge trouble.
Even the Germans are struggling with track and trace due to GDPR regulations....they've been discussing ways of introducing emergency laws to over ride it.
Germany is one of 42 countries (at the last count) with a working track and trace system. Not to say that all are perfect, but I don't think any of them cost over £11m like ours did. We were in talks with the German government last week to use theirs - which is open-source.
The GDPR problem was with their initial version of the App, which like the UK one had a central database. This was abandoned in March/April. The new version doesn't share, store or process any personal data centrally, so doesn't breach GDPR. Although it does only work with newer model Apple or Google devices with the latest OS upgrades. But, as you posted for a emergency they can introduce time-limited legislation so that any potential issues are ironed out.
I’ve put down to work Saturday, chuff going out on America day, they should have opened the Monday after and given everyone involved a week to deal with teething problems. I’ll give it a month before I venture to the pub.
There was some question weeks ago about the virus and whether cats or dogs could spread it. They should have been looking at foxes.
It's not the app issue with GDPR that I'm referring to, it's the bigger track and trace picture that is being held back because agencies dare not share information amongst an example ....people test positive at a Public Health England testing station, PHE keep the information to themselves because of GDPR, the Borough Council...local Healthcare professionals and the Police do not know where they live or who they are...if they did know, track and trace could be done by those local bodies....there could be a real outbreak, ie on one street, or estate, and the people who should know and can follow it up are kept in the of the most unfortunate aspects is that of the homeless victims, once they walk away the chances are the only people who can find them to follow up their case are the Council Stronger Communities teams who know their circle of friends and their various hangouts , they will not be given any information .
Now also open:- Tipsy Cow George & Dragon Tommy Tred Mulders Pour 22 Temple of Muses 1 Momento Shisha Bar new door. New Inn Gawber/Redbrook Chestnut tree Quasis Courthouse And they are all busy! Do your bit and have a pint.
Sharing data between national Govt Depts and local Govt has been going on years. Also, it’s how Universal Credit works.
Went in the Silkstone among others on thursday and theres actually a sign on the stairs leading to the toilets that says keep left
I can assure you with absolute certainty, in this case it's not. Only about three weeks ago did the Council's Public Health Directors sign agreements with Public Health England that allowed them general postcode data...No names or addresses have been shared with the Council, the Police or other Healthcare professionals.