Wetherspoons do not have fixed prices for most of their products. rates for the area being one reason. But they do have huge advantages over most small independents. Supply and demand. Contributing to the low cost in negotiations with breweries. Its not my favourite go to pub as i like to chill in a relaxed atmosphere. Hate it when it's rammed. but I don't have many issues with the products generally a decent pint. Regardless of brand. If you sup it that is. We always aim to stop off on way to matches. where one is present. Caters for most of our passengers and I don't mean pissheads. Who's idea of an away day is sup as much beer as possible (a booze outing). Before and during the game. Close to sell by date in wetherspoons is apparantly an urban myth. Positives 1 allus open afore arrival. 2 more affordable drinks and food.
https://archive.is/cbrbg When it's that difficult to make a pub profitable, why would anyone bother trying.
It's obviously more profitable now than it was under the Tories because the rate at which pubs are closing has slowed significantly since they lost power
Are you joking? Every pub owner I know hates this government and the budget they have brought. They've mad it alot harder for the pub and hospitality sectors. Read the original post I've seen so many pubs and pub owners share it. Wait until April base rate of pay up, NI for employers up, gas and electricity rising again, rates up. Yeah there miles better off under the labour party and there budget for growth.
Opinions don't trump facts sadly. It's a fact that pubs closed at a much higher rate under the Tories than they are now
Like I said wait until April when the new budget kicks in. Maybe you should re assure pub owners there miles better off under this lot
There's also a rise in migrants crossing in 2025 under Labour almost a thousand more compared to this time last year under the Tories even though they did say they would stop this and find the people smugglers. Although I think the numbers would still be the same regardless of who's in power. They have made it really hard for the hospitality sector with the budget that's a fact.
Bit random Thread about pubs: "There's less pubs closing under labour " "Ye but there's loads of forriners coming over"
Not really just a comparison of facts that are meaning less. Any party could be in charge it's just coincidence that less pubs have closed in labours short spell in charge. They've ****** the sector with the budget you know that and so do I.
So far they've pissed off business owners, farmers, disabled, pensioners and failed to get to grips with the borders. Great start.
I decided to boycott 'spoons because of Martin's support for Brexit, but as a member of Camra, I get vouchers for 50p off a pint which are effectively only redeemable in Wetherspoons....