Brilliant. Just brilliant. Genuinely one of the best gigs I've been to and a great first gig for my daughter. The guys who have tickets for tomorrow should be in for a treat. Highlights were the big hits obviously but there wasn't a bad song all night. Thought Jarvis was going to crack and cry when he dedicated Something Changed to Steve Mackey.
Unbelievable gig better than Oasis Maine Road for me, or any of the Arctic Monkeys early gigs I went to. Incredible performance
Saw them at the Octagon over twenty years ago. They didn't play that many crowd pleasers as I recall. Went a bit Radiohead on stage.
I think they did. I saw them about a year earlier supporting Oasis unannounced, as The Verve had dropped out.
Little pulp story.. saw they were playing the wedgewood rooms in Portsmouth November 93, Me and a mate went down to see sold out signs on the door. Tapped the door as I knew the promoter and he said come back at half 8 I’ll get you in… treat. Duly did so and got in just as Elastica came on to support… went to the bar and found a place near the front to watch and noticed I was stood next to Joe Strummer! Chuff me absolute scenes as the gig unfolded, Elastica were fantastic did pulp sensational, Jarvis threw his water bottle into the crowd and I caught it only to bin it outside as we were going to a club … the best times
I parked at the Meadowhall park and ride and took the tram yesterday. Very easy. Just need to be aware that the main car park at Meadowhall shuts at 9.