and in case you’re ever wondering... This is the point you went from being someone known to overreact to being a complete bellend.
I’m honestly not trying to be a dick or anything, so please don’t take this the wrong way, but are you alright? You don’t seem alright, you seem somewhat on a hair trigger.
Read my post again, I neither mentioned the holiday, nor was I responding to a post of yours mentioning a holiday. So why you should counter my post by saying ‘he didn’t get it on holiday’ is still a mystery. But ‘paedos’. And I’m the one who’s ‘not right’.
When you chased me round the board the other week I told you that I’m not interested in debating with you. You’re too angry, emotional and prone to name calling, as well as posts like this one where you attribute quotes that have never been made. I didn’t say you were not right, I said you didn’t seem alright. Big difference. Feel free to reply to this and have the last word, but I’m not interested in engaging with you any more, life’s too short to fall out with angry old men on the internet.
I’ve never chased you anywhere, you’re not my type. And I’m far from angry, not that old either, I just have a limited amount of patience for the nonsense you continually post. And I’ve completely run out of fu cks to give about what deranged keyboard warriors think of me.
What I'd read was that he'd been treated for Pneumonia in hospital, and got a positive test on being discharged. Went back into hospital when he had difficulty breathing.
Sorry mate, I need to get this off my chest. My Brother is a stroke victim of 10 years and has been disabled ever since. He's been shielding since last March. Unfortunately, a week last Wednesday he was taken into Hospital with pancreatitis. He was treated for it, and was on the mend (He has a gallstone issue). Last Tuesday, we were told he'd been in contact with someone in the next bed who had tested positive for COVID. That afternoon Mark also tested positive. He's been fine until 2 days ago, when his condition has gone south. He's now been transferred from the COVID ward to Respiratory and they've found him a bed on High Dependency should he need it. His oxygen levels are dropping and hes really ill. Obviously we are all worried sick. So by your logic, disabled people die and he died of pancreatitis?
Thats **** mate. I might not have seen Mark for 30+ years since we left school but really hope he doesn't become just another of the statistics. I remember you saying about the stroke, and just assumed he'd had a decent level of recovery - although life is rarely the same afterwards
Upto 10 years in jail? Doesn't seem proportional at all. All this over fear of new variants when as I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong) one could just occur just as easily within in the UK?
Sorry to hear this sad news TN. Sincerely hope he recovers. Thoughts are with you and your family at this time
Sorry to hear this TN wishing your Brother and all his family and friends all the best and hoping he has a speedy and full recovery .
I'm so sorry to hear of your brother's awful situation, my old friend. All the best to your brother, your good self and all your family.
To make matters worse my Mums in a different hospital at the moment with Sepsis. Seriously, I didn't think anything could outstrip 2020, but 2021 has been a complete shītshow.