Very true but it seems that about every 70 years they change the lyrics, it must be a marketing thing !
First off Queen we’re my absolute favourite band when I was a tweenager in the 1980s, and I could never understand how anyone would slag them off. However as I’ve got older I’ve recognised why some people might not be able to take them seriously, because they weren’t always very serious-sometimes bordering on spoofing tbh. Having said all that they wrote some absolutely stonking songs- even up to The Show Must Go on. I loved highlander so who Wants to live forever has to be in there. Also- Don’t stop me now Spread your wings Liar Long Away ‘39 All brilliant and if that makes me a nonce then inshallah.
Great track - and a nice bit of sci-fi in the lyrics. A few of my faves (in no particular order): - Tie Your Mother Down - Drowse - Teo Torriatte - Tenement Funster - My Melancholy Blues - Now I'm Here - Dragon Attack - Machines - The Invisible Man - Somebody To Love - The Show Must Go On - It's Late
I was a massive fan as a kid. Like you I can now fully understand why a lot of people didn't like them, and as a much less partisan adult, I can readily admit that quite a lot of their output was absolutely atrocious. But..... Spread Your Wings 39 Brighton Rock The Prophet's Song White Queen Jealousy You and I It's Late All Dead, All Dead Keep Yourself Alive Tenement Funster Leaving Home Ain't Easy Flick of the Wrist Dead on Time That's just quickly, off the top of my head. A list of incredible tracks, most of which nobody who isn't an avid Queen fan will ever have heard.
Glad someone mentioned The Prophet's Song, I also still warm to Somebody To Love. Starting at Queen II, I gave up on them after News of the World.
I saw them in 86. They were everything to me as a kid. I can't remember a time I wasn't listening to them because there wasn't one. My mum still tells me how I used to ask her to put the album of theirs she had on again and again and again when I was 2 years old. I have all their studio albums and most of their singles. Sitting down at 13 to watch all of Live Aid, just waiting for your favourite band and they did that! That was special. And Freddie dying when he'd been such a huge part of my childhood was very upsetting. But I've rarely if ever listened to them in adulthood. Fat Bottomed Girls and Somebody to Love make it onto some Play Lists but the last time I would have played an album would be when I bought their final one, the one after Freddie died. I played it once. My favourites of their hits are the above two. My other favourites are Sail Away Sweet Sister, All Dead, 39, Leaving Home Ain't Easy, Stone Cold Crazy. Some live versions of Love of My Life are pretty spectacular too.
This list made me smile. Particularly as it has so many songs (they're songs not f***ing tracks) from Jazz and Sheer Heart Attack. Probably my two favourite Queen albums. Roger Taylor doesn't like the Jazz album. I think he needs to listen to it again. IMHO it is the most consistent in terms of quality across the two sides that they ever did.
Tracks. Sorry, that's the inner DJ in me! I'm actually with Roger Taylor here. The high points of Jazz are truly magnificent, but I'm not a massive fan of the whole album as I find it quite disjointed. Interesting how people see things differently, but that's the beauty of music and subjective appreciation! I also think that Bicycle Race and Fat Bottomed Girls have really not aged well. News of the World for me was their pinnacle, with Sheer Heart Attack a very close second.
Their disco adventure really didn't go very well. But there are still some great songs on the album. Put Out the Fire was criminally forgotten due to being on Hot Space.
I quite like Action This Day from that album, although the studio version is some distance behind the version I saw them perform live at Elland Road in 82.
I have it, I think but for me Queen went downhill after Jazz but then finished off with Innuendo, did like that album
I was a huge fan of the Higlander film and the subsequent TV series as a kid. As such I have soft spots for Who wants to Live forever and Princes of the Universe.
I can't help thinking that some people judge Queen purely on their singles, which are variable in quality. There are much better songs on their albums IMHO.