Prince Edward The Earl of Wessex has received all of the jubilee medals. Like his brothers he also possesses the New Zealand 1990 Commemoration Medal, Canadian Forces’ Decoration and Commemorative Medal for the Centennial of Saskatchewan. Edward joined the Royal Marines after leaving university, but left after just a few months of training, so did not serve in the active military.
Because he gets given titles, Colonel in chief of one of the Rifles regiment, some kind of Commodore to the RFA ( Royal Fleet auxiliary), yes he did a few weeks of Royal Marine training before wrapping his tits in
When Biden arrived I popped ok CNN briefly to listen to them talk about their own president. Big occasion for them to send over the big guns Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper for it.
All the military and the police were superb. But, the bearer party were magnificent. My heart was in my mouth for them going up all those steps at Windsor. The coffin is lead lined so must have weighed a ton. Hope they get some recognition for it.
Must admit the irony that the 2 of the family not in uniform were the only 2 to see active service in a war zone was not lost on me
That was an unbelievable experience just to watch it on the tele, I’ve not shifted for 7 hours, very moving and that was our country at its best today, the military parade was’s the end of an era but the start of a new one too!!!
Our country at its absolute worst. Millions spent on this nonsense while the poorest in society struggle with an increasing cost of living crisis and the government take 2 weeks off.
Good of you to take offence on their behalf but watching the coverage, a good number of those members of society were probably down there on the sidelines being their part of history.
If you like people born into a life of privilege having a big display of their wealth and power while the poorest in society can't even go to the foodbanks because they're closed today, crack on. I'll continue to be annoyed about it, thanks.
The Monarchy is intertwined with religion and has a similar modus operandi, relying on first indoctrination then blind faith. With the added allure of patriotic nationalism on top. In many ways I find it bewildering that people support it the way they do. Then I remember we also elected a Tory Government and voted for Brexit. Still I don't know how anyone can truly champion equality and a Royal Family.
It’s an archaic system to have in 2022 but isn’t it better to have a separation between head of state and political power? The worst form of government except for all the rest? We’d still have President Johnson wouldn’t we if we were a Republic and no one does pomp and ceremony as well as we do. The Police and Armed Forces were superb as always.
Scrap the house of Lords. Introduce an elected upper house through proportional representation. Scrap the monarchy and have an elected head of state with a pure popular vote with Ranked Choice. I don't like the argument of "if we have an elected head of state we'd end up with president Johnson" because under the current system the PM has all the power anyway for all intents and purposes, so what difference does it make.
That's always been the case and always will be with or without a royal family. There were lads born into a life of privilege at Holgate who went to uni because their parents were rich, so what. Even Castro, in a communist country, wasn't equal to his subjects and I dare say he had a state funeral when he popped his clogs. She was a head of state who served this country for 70 years, don't you think she'd earned a decent send off?
A send off is fine. Shutting down the country for 2 weeks and today especially I think is pretty pathetic.
One difference is the ease with which a Prime Minister can be removed. When was the last time a Western Head of State was removed for reasons similar to those which removed Johnson? I’m not saying we shouldn’t do what you suggest but what would that elected head do? If it’s exercise political power then they will always be divisive.