West Stand was as empty as I've ever seen it Andy. The Upper Tier especially worrying as that's where the real diehards sit - or used to.
Walking down Oakwell lane about 2.45pm today you could tell there wasn’t going to be many people turning up it reminded me of going to a midweek 1st rd league cup game sadly. Think it will be a lot worse for the Tuesday night Exeter game.
I've been a big supporter of Neerav since he very cleverly and skilfully cleared out the cancer that was literally killing our club. But that interview, oh deary me! I cannot believe the naivety he shows in backing Sormaz, and his delusion in believing that xg is in any way a reliable indicator of the number of times a footballer can be relied upon - that's RELIED upon, not expected - to kick a football into the net, just leaves me speechless. I was so glad to see that he'd done the interview, but when I read the transcript he left me questioning the wisdom of renewing next season, which for anybody who knows me would be unthinkable. 64 years of support, through the thinnest of thins, and this guy has led me to a crossroads I never thought I'd have to face.
What did people actually expect him to say ? He said the exact same things as he would say in any public interview/forum. Anyone thinking he would air the dirty laundry is living in la la land. If what he said about certain things is what he would say behind closed doors then that's a different matter, but we don't really know. It's just another interview that says a lot without saying anything
Problem is he cleared out the cancer but weakened the clubs immune system and now the DoF virus has got a foot hold and that's killing the club.
The DoF is still in a job that's tells me everything I need to know about the board and the chairman.
Its turned into a disgusting struggle already, this season!. I understand people defending the fact that they are 'keeping the club alive', by regularly putting money in. Although I still think that's their job/responsibility to do that, as the owners!.