Coming from a huge supporting celtic family. I hate rangers. But it's just another point to score. it makes us look so bitter and jealous. Anyone who disagrees is a liar. They are the same club. And still ******* lol
My family are the proudest northern Irish you’d ever meet, they’re steeped in the old culture of Protestant, Pro Brit etc etc. So for us it’s always been Rangers, but they’d openly admit that theyd never want Celtic to die or disappear. That’s coming from people who were fighting for their country against the IRA, the very same IRA who have huge links to Celtic. I just find it mint boggling to see the other Scottish clubs wanting blood from the old firm clubs. Without the old firm Scottish football dies, it becomes the welsh premier league at best.
I'd feel like that if I were a supporter of the other clubs. They're all that matter and Scottish football is going down the pan because of it. They're even playing a nursery team in the lower leagues.
Fair play to them mate and yeah something I have noticed your real irish people intend to not be as extreme as the plastic ones. I was born in ireland. Raised here so class myself as a barnsley lad. I have a massive Catholic family but they are quiet staunch and not really political. Their opinion on the troubles are "they are all as bad. Only innocent people suffered". I would never wish death on anyone too. Its ridiculous these days but politicians in Scotland don't help either of them taking sides and when they are meant to be clamping down on the hatred. My old man says it's worse now than ever and won't ever return and just follows barnsley and as done since living here