Beleive or not mice love chocolate got rid of the blighters in 3 days with a trap. Try it with the rat need to get rid of it . It might work
Call Billy the Exterminator or Turtleman. Will catch the critter but wreck your kitchen/house. But on a serious note if you can’t get the little bugger out. Pest control have not charged overly stupid prices. Also stairfoot reds comment may be worth a try given how many he’s caught. Trouble is I think he lets em go just for the fun of it.
I always rewarded myJack Russell with what she had kIlled on her dish the next morning. It was a bit gruesome to do, but in a week she stopped killing stuff & looked to me for food. I always feed dogs good healthy food, but all animals are greedy...
The old fashioned steel rat traps aren't easy to set sensitively enough. Get one of those Big Cheese plastic traps from Wilco's, you'll soon get the little bugger.
I wondered where mine had gone for their holidays..? I've tried pretty much everything, but I won't kill anything. & the old Jack Russells aren't much use.. They drive me mental, but have to respect them. Wild rats, too..
When I was starting out I worked for my local Council and we had three pest control operatives. They used a dog, cat, traps, smoke ( for mole catching) and various poisons to exterminate all types of vermin. I was once told that rats are hemophiliacs, so in open spaces, they used bait containing warfarin which is a blood thinning compound sometimes used to treat heart disease in humans. They used to cover scrap food in it and put in a bait tray. The rat would then hopefully take it and eventually bleed to death. Not advisable to use it in concealed places i.e wall cavities etc though as the smell would eventually be unbearable. Best to seal any holes up if you can and bait out in the open , where possible keeping trays/traps away from any pets or children of course.
I was once working on a ward with a lad who had psychosis. We were sat out in the therapeutic garden area having a chat and he was telling me about how he kept seeing hallucinations of rats in his room. Whilst he's talking this big bloody rat the size of my cat appeared from a drain pipe and casually walked behind him then down another hole. Luckily he didn't see it.
first thing,are you still having trouble with that rat? secondly polyfiller , expanding foam and steel wool wont stop it/them, rats can gnaw thru metal up to varying degrees of thickness and will generally try and get thru the same spot time after time get some traps set, inside and out,that rat'll be using the same route day in day out, so see if you can fathom where and set a few traps... be careful of using poison because if said rat gobs it then next doors cat gets said rat it'll be two of them dead.., soap is a good bait, i dont mean dove squeezy type stuff, its the proper soap in bars... if you arnt too worried about cats then get some poison down try and locate where the rat is nesting, cos there will be more than one.. look under sheds,coyl bunkers, etc etc, they will be living it up you talk to your neighbours? if so then ask if they've got problems also, because the rats could well be nesting next door or even several doors away rats are very clever and once spooked can take a bit of sorting, ie , you can set some bait and it could be days before they think everything is safe, just cos its not took your bait in the first hour or two dunt mean its gone..
Be careful it doesn’t attack you from behind in the players tunnel they’re very nasty like that them rats .
We had a problem a few years ago, had council pest control out and he set a trap but didn't put poison down as it was getting into the house (peanut butter was his bait of choice). He said if it died in the house we'd know where the expression 'to smell a rat' came from. Neighbour ignored that advice and put poison in his cellar and we soon knew where the rat was. Rat man back sniffed round the floor boards, located said rat, bagged it, sniffed again and said there's a little one still here somewhere, did same again found it and we were smelly rat free. Rat door locked and bolted and we've been okay since. Pestman was worth every penny - didn't seem overly pricey then - not sure of their prices now.
Spray Insette hairspray down the hole. My sister used to use it in the eighties - it kills everything in a 5 mile radius.