Danny Wilson #1 and number #2 were 2 different managers for his 1st spell he finishes top for his 2nd just above paul Hart, schopp, ashbagi, hodges and spaceman. His football in that 2nd spell some of the worst I've seen.
Hendrie was a great player but a terrible appointment. I just don't think he was cut out for management. Did he ever manage again after that spell?
Hendrie could have been an excellent manager. Just thrust into things exactly at the wrong time in our clubs history. He was on a hiding to nothing after Danny left. 5 years later it could have been very different I think, especially if he had gone as assistant manager at some stage, that non gradual phase away from being the joker in the pack to manager didn't help him at all. Shame he never gave it another crack elsewhere, but glad his tenure as manager never tarnished his memory with reds fans, wouldn't have been fair.
For me, the manager who has had the greatest, positive impact on our club was Allan Clarke when he was appointed in 1978. There was a whirlwind that captured the club and town after his arrival. None of the other excellent appointments would've occurred had Clarkey not come here first.
Clarkie in '78 was a few years before my time as a fan, but I like hearing positive stories and memories from our fans about that era. Man management wasn't as big and popular as it is these days, and Allan apparently got the hang of it straight away. And wasn't it his first ever managing job, as a player manager, and thats unheard of these days.
Clarke's second spell was statistically better than his first yet see's little mention as does the tenure of Mel Machin. Why is that? In spite of relative gains in League position and cup run etc.
Probably similar for me although Ritchie would be above duff based on the fact duff didn't achieve anything. Johnson would be above hendrix And wilsons 2nd spell would be just above spaceman.
I tried to erase Johnson from my memory. I always thought our 5hit run in 2015/16 was more down to his 4-6-0 formation than player ability.
he had started to turn it around. Although Adam hammill was the key to that. But yeah, I forgot about that horrendous run
Its a shame for Clarke because it ended in what I think was going to be a relegation season. But before that in seasons '87 & '88, there was so much potential there. But alas, we/Clarke didn't tap into it sufficiently.
Well he did get 9 wins on the spin before he went to Bristol and got us to our 1st domestic cup final at Wembley in about 100 years.
I’m always torn between Clarke and Hunter, which to put first , Hunter great team but Clarke started the revolution that would take us to a different level.
4-4-2 fell on his lap with Fletcher coming in with Long and Scowen getting injured. Total w@nkspangel.
Three seasons stand out for me, where we came so close to promotion. Season '88 under Clarke, '90 under Machin, and '94 under Wilson. We finished one place behind the play offs each time, and I would have fancied our chances against anybody at the time because Oakwell was a fortress. Each time though, it just wasn't to be.
I didn't answer it because its a ridiculous question. NO of course I'm not, I never was, and I never will be.