3rd time Mr Stockbridge has refereed us this season. First time that Wigan haven't been the opponents. How did he do?
8 from me. Never noticed him which is a good sign. Only 1 yellow in the game for Phillips which was deserved. Think he was decent both Wigan games if memory serves. One of the better ones for sure....
Gave him a strong 7 as one of the best this season. He didn't hand our cards like confetti. He let the game flow with decent advantages played, before sometimes having to pull play back. He dealt really well with a number of long stoppages.
I don’t recall him getting anything wrong, there were long stoppages he controlled well, Phillips warranted his booking - a deserved 8
8 from me as well. Let the game flow tried to play advantage a couple of times but called the foul when it was clear there wasn’t one. Only real error was missing a clear handball just before Phillips yellow card. Definitely one of the better refs we’ve had this season
Good performance for me. Missed the handball as pointed out above, and there was a tackle that merited a yellow to a Reading player (I forget who), but nothing major and handled it well imo.
An easy game to ref, but thought what he had to do was fairly consistent which in itself is rare. He missed 1 or 2 things including a good penalty shout for us, but if he hasn’t seen them, fair enough. A solid 7 from me.
A blatant push in the back just as one of our players was shooting, can’t remember who it was now though
Cadden, running in to a ball across the box - he was too honest, stayed on his feet and still got a shot away, though off balance. Sad state of affairs but if he’d gone down I think we get it