we didn’t. Unfortunately 52% of people had convinced themselves that brexit was actually far more important than actually governing the country correctly. they really took back control. the tories must be pïssing themselves at the utter stupidity.
And I dread to think how much spent on PPE contracts that didn’t result in any PPE. Yet in 2024, we’ll still have people saying how Labour will bankrupt the country.
I didn’t think I could hate the Tories more than I ever did under Thatcher. That’s been blown out of the water. And my tolerance, if I had any, for those that vote for em, is nothing but pure contempt. And if the cap fits. Wear it.
I think back to the Thatcher years a lot. I hated the policies and I didn't like the woman. She was, like her policies, cold and mean. She was, however, intelligent. Which should be taken as a given for a prime minister, but sadly it no longer appears to be required. And it appears to me, although I'm far from an expert, she was following an ideology rather than being self serving. Not an ideology I like and I don't want someone similar to her in future, but it was all several rungs up the ladder than this shower. Everyone said it. The regeneration of Barnsley came from EU funding. With the Tories in power we will not get anything. If we vote for Brexit we will literally be cutting off our own food supply. But we did it anyway, often casting votes in buildings with plaques on the wall stating they were built with EU funding. And here we are.
Yep, trouble is we have to wear that same cap. Was it Frankie Boyle that said something along the lines of if only those who voted for them were being affected by their policies we could laugh?