I did say the figures I used were examples and not representative. But like you say the club has to try to slow the revolving door down somehow because it's no good taking one step forward during the season if you have to take two steps back in the summer as a result of any success. We can't keep losing successful manager's after one season, because the more often you spin the barrel in the Russian roulette of managerial recruitment the more chance you have of recruiting another Arse baggage and or Slopp and we all know where that leads.
But the club have to find a way to slow down the managerial revolving door, firstly to try to add some of the continuity that's lacking and secondly because the more times you spin the barrel that is the Russian roulette of managerial recruitment the more chance you have of employing another arse baggage slopp or Portuguese bag carrier and we all know which direction that leads to.
I couldn’t agree more (sorry I only partly read your post ), lessons need to be learned and I’m sure the board will do that, they got 100 things spot on last season but the release clause was the 1 mistake. I just hope these clauses can be altered or negotiated away, they seem to be common place and expected. I get why someone doesn’t want to be trapped in a long term contract and miss out on a chance to go higher up the food chain, but we need better protection. I definitely think clauses should be limited to close season only, thankfully this approach has happened now, imagine how many points we’d lose if it happened mid season.
I agree, but the only way that will happen is if we become more attractive a proposition than other clubs. Not sure how that will happen if I’m honest
I realise I've said it before, but the only way I see us breaking this cycle is by getting promoted. Once you're in the Championship I think the dynamic changes, and it feels easier to keep hold of managers if you want to. But let's be right, if a manager is gash the fans want him gone (rightly so), but they're also quick to complain about the cost of sacking them. 'Why did we give him such a long contract' etc. Has to work both ways.
It doesn’t though, because we still have to be more attractive than other clubs, and although we might be back in the realms of 2m compensations, the first time a bigger championship/European/MLS/Premier League flutters eyelids at our manager, they will be off too.
I think release clauses and managers walking at the first chance of an extra few quid are going to be inevitable. Duff leaving upset me more than most, partly because we had a realistic chance of winning the league, but mainly because of all the ******** he spouted. So my solution to this is that I’m a) going to be under no illusion that the next manager will be here no longer than a year, and b) not going to listen to or read a word they say. Won’t be chanting his name either. Gonna go back to my teenage years in the 80s and just go down and watch the matches and that’s it. The only difference from back then is that I’m not gonna get attached to any players either.
Yeah I get it in principle, and that's precisely what happened with Val. We massively overachieved and it was pretty obvious to me at the time that he would be off. But I guess mid/lower table in the Champ is less likely to attract bigger suitors, but we're also more likely to be happy to keep them. In L1, anything outside top 6 six probably means they get sacked, while anything top 6 that doesn't get promoted means they're offski. So it's a much smaller margin for error. If the manager doesn't get promoted next season, I fully expect to see another change this time next year. We'll see.
What would be a good idea is to employ a manager who gets us promoted. Then the number of higher levels to manage at decreases