On you go pal. She does nothing for me. Now Esther McVey although an evil cow does have that wee bit of fatal attraction.
Camera just happened to be on Corbyn at the right moment. Anyone would think its all been staged to distract us from the real issues a Xmas. It's a pantomime at the best of times.
Trouble is - you have no exam to pass in order to join the club. Increasingly it's the means by which otherwise often talentless, but perhaps more accurately exhibitionist people are able to hog the limelight. At our expense and to our cost.
Must be really annoying when he’s constantly trying to help people live a better life. Not fiddling expenses or voting on his conscience. Right lovely person for that he is.
Do you move seats before you answer your own posts? Mind you, the previous seat might well be damp, having regard to the nature of your present posted inclinations.....
You've got me going now I'm even replying to my own messages . I'll just say one word even though it's 2 . Priti Patel . Couldn't cope with the Scouse Ester McVeigh you would be checking your car every 2 minutes .
I'm a trained lip reader, and can categorically inform you all that Corbyn actually said "stop murdering homeless people, pensioners and the poor with your insane policies designed to appease the fascists in your party". In any case, even if he did say stupid woman, its only fact: she is a woman, and she is stupid.
The thing is regarding expenses is that MPs have been trying for years to get their expenses except from publication for years. It was first tabled as a motion by Yvette Cooper but was soundly dismissed due to public outcry. They have been looking at revisiting this again over the last few months. MEPs I believe have information regarding their expenses kept secret.