Apparently Nicola took a Christmas present to number 10 for Theresa. It was a bottle of Isle of Skye Gin and suggested that perhaps Theresa could offer a wee nip to that ***** Soames next time she sees him.
Detest the bloke, horrible vile man ( All opinions of course) Labour would win by a landslide if they had anyone else apart from that ballbag in charge, as long as he his the ringmaster Labour will never get close to No 10, , btw I ain't anti Labour I just own a voodoo doll of sh€£byn and that retard Abbott
I don't support socialism, I'm sure he does, he chooses to keep Abbott in a position where if they were elected she would be in charge of security, surely a blind man can see that is just wrong. He as is past sympathies towards certain terrorist organisations, and as a serving member of the armed forces I have lost 4 close friends to terrorists and I find that hard to stomach. Abbott was asked the other day if a terrorist group had a nuclear weapon and the only way to save the pop of the UK was to use a phrase " press the button " she never answered, they are both cut from the same cloth, like I say it's all opinions but for me I loathe/ detest/ hate him with a passion, btw it will be lifelong Labour supporters from the heartlands who will prevent him from getting in, who are perplexed at him leading the party who refuse to vote for a party they have voted for, for years, like I said earlier I ain't whatsoever anti Labour before I get told " how dare you have your own opinion" just anti s%^tbyn
Who cares if he did. Maybot gives him loads of ***** each week being patronising and condescending but just starts it with “my right honourable friend” don’t give a ***** what he uttered to himself. Bigger political fish to fry right now we are being threatened by her pointless Brexit deal or no deal.
Stupid woman/person is better than my right honourable friend. Lying backstabbing pillocks. At least Jeremy stated what most of us think.
Thanks, each to their own, most of that seemed to be about dianne Abbott however. Strong words are hate and detest, I’d rather aim my anger at the ones who are decimating the nhs, underfunding schools and forcing families into poverty. Still it’s all Jeremy’s fault because the daily hate rags tell everyone so.
Can we drop this recurring idea that gets posted on here all the time - the one that suggests firstly that we all read newspapers, and secondly we're so stupid that when reading them (if we do), that we get brainwashed into thinking in a certain kind of way? It really is insulting. But yet it keeps getting posted.
Well if you persist in treating your fellow BBS posters as being without sufficient intelligence to be able to work things out for themselves, then I'm gonna keep chirping up. Good job we have people like you who aren't fooled by these newspapers eh?
The in-laws are a perfect example. No interest in or basic understanding of politics. Never voted before. I'm sure their inspiration for voting Brexit came from a daily brainwash from the sinful Sun. It brought out the latent intolerance of foreigners which lurks among many of their generation. Their reasoning made me shudder and avoid the subject for the sake of family harmony.