The bigger threat is a rouge nation like North Korea, .[/QUOTE] Is that like a posher version of red China
I may be getting old but whilst the voting card has your name on it don't the actual ballot papers for the referendum and elections remain anonymous. Even if not , how do they check all the papers to determine age and demographic of each vote. Surely, they cannot know how you voted without a court order to reopen sealed boxes of voting slips. So how do they arrive at the claimed voting demographics?
The demographics can only 'suggest' due to the methodology used (since ballot paper are anonymous) and do not 'Prove' anything. They 'might' well be correct but are not exactly reliable empirical 10% watertight evidence.
I follow her on twitter, she seems to be very left wing for a Tory and is not afraid to criticise the higher echelons of her party. Mind you she is from Notton and she has a degree is astrophysics so she's a Yorkie and Corbyn can't really suggest that she's a stupid person/woman
When the 1992 pit closures were in full swing and the there was uproar throughout the country there were quite a few tories against what hestletine was doing, Elizabeth Peacock tory mp over at batley was sacked from her role in government for supporting us,she even came with us on the demonstration rally in london., it was a strange feeling having a tory on ourside.
Distracts from those young lasses whove become the latest installment of the Isis propaganda campaign i suppose.
Europe has divided left & right politics since before we joined. It isn't a left / right argument, so the current political system (i.e. first past the post), does not reflect this in any way. The UK needs 6-7 parties. Yes, there will be a coalition government. The current Labour & Tory parties are coalitions (without adding the DUP). At least with PR, people would have a better chance of voting for someone they have some faith in.