"Access to the France's healthcare service and PUMA is funded by your social security contributions (cotisations/contributions sociales), which is levied from your taxable income (separate to income tax).1 Feb 2022" It is free mate as long as you worked.
The german state pension is on the verge of collapse. There are 50 recipients compared to 100 contributors. Expected to rise to 70 per 100. In the next 15 years. People are living longer and state pensions will be unsustainable as they are now. It's why folk need to look at company and private pensions to top up. not just say **** it. the state will look after us. Young uns take heed. Currently, the state pension in Germany guarantees pensioners at least 48 per cent of the average wage until 2025. The state pension age is 65, although it is in the process of gradually increasing to 67. Dulger noted that for every 100 contributors, there are currently around 50 pensioners.1 Nov 2022
I think the best way to protest is just stop functioning. The French sanitory workers have and now the streets are piled up with rubbish. I like how they're playing dirty like the government
Well I guess that depends on whether you think state violence against its citizens is equal to a few citizens damaging some buildings. (If it was indeed targeted protest damage and not just agent provocateurs or fire starters).
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/25/women-france-pension-protests Inequality between the sexes is a big deal. Women find it harder to get a full pension due to taking time out for things like childcare. That needs looking at.