call me cyncical but when the Boris Johnson Tory Government takes out a firm commitment and replaces it with "trust us" to do it instead I dont feel all that comforted. They don't have the best track record on that sort of thing. Did the negotiator say anything about the plans for services next year because everything I have read points to Boris not even trying to negotiate any deal on those
Firstly, whenever I read anything in the Guardian that I know about, it gets the story wrong. Secondly, this is effectively happening already. Why would EU students want to come here even now? They are hardly going to feel welcome or secure.
On another of my new year's resolutions is not to get drawn into threads, particularly poloitical ones, which get angry and abusive. This is one at times.... Hang on though...Ive just been drawn in! Damn!
So basically everything on here about the end of Erasmus is basically guesswork and supposition based on a hatred/mistrust of Johnson and the Tories and not actually supported by solid facts. On the specific points, the meeting we attended in Macerata was specifically about citizens rights in the withdrawal agreement. It contradicted quite a few things you read in the press . In fact, the speakers stated that we should not believe half of the things 'reported' as 'fact' by the media. For example, most people believe a no-deal scenario December 31st means the guarantees in the Withdrawal agreement would be invalidated . This is totally untrue. The negotiations between Feb 1st and December 31st are all about Trade- tariffs etc. as the Withdrawal agreement is now in place and does not form part of those negotiations. That is not to say there won't be future changes post Dec 31st but many elements of the agreement have longer expiry dates (e.g. 7 years for Erasmus being one ) and like any International treaties, Brexit linked or not, they are always subject to review and change. People here , including myself, should really make the effort to be a little more positive and less cynical as it achieves absolutely nothing other than to enable us to get things off our chests. There is a common theme be it Trump, BFC management, the Cons and Brexit. (alright Trump is a bad example, but people are far too quick to jump in with doom and gloom. A little more positivity works wonders!
It sounds like we could do with a few meetings or at least information sessions for those of us in the UK you seem to have much better information - as long as its accurate. - It is as you have seen quite hard to know what is happening as the media reporting is not very objective -either heavily we are going to screw the EU from the likes of the Sun Express Mirror ToryGraph and the We are doomed from the Mirror Guardian and Independent. Only the FT seems to give some balanced coverage but its hardly a well read paper. We dont really know what happens on 31 Jan though my expectation is for all practical purposes nothing changes under the WA phase except we no longer have any say in the EU parliament as we have left 31 Dec is much more concerning though - you are right the guarantees in the WA remain - but we are in a more or less information vacuum here apart from unattibutable briefings from Number 10
Fair comment... Although I admit whilst we had the current situation from the horse's mouth i.e. one of the negotiators, really who knows what the future holds as the world seems to stumble from one crisis to another? I didn't really want it to come out with sounding like a Johnson apologist as he obviously has ...ahem...'history' but I really think, as you say , even if you read all the media outpourings you still cannot get an accurate view of the real situation as they all peddle their own agendas. Sadly the old 'go to' for factual accurate non-hyperbolic news reporting i.e. BBC has become click-bait opinion based journalism and can no longer be relied on to tell it how it is. Might, May and Could seems to preface nearly all headlines on the BBC website these days. they even feel it necessary to have a footnote .."Why you can trust the BBC.." The point about similar meetings for people in the UK to those regular ones that are happening round Europe for ex-pats is valid. Most ex-pats have family in UK and they too need to know how it affect them on visits etc and inheriting property etc once we die. Some contemplating moving abroad also need to know timeframes where they can still do so. It is to involved to post on here but it is not a single date and depends on circumstances. I may put it forward to the team at the Embassy to feedback to Government (they asked us to mail questions and suggestions,proposing meetings in the UK for interested parties, although they may already be happening or the WA is happening.
its strange how the guardian is viewed differently depending on your own political stance because there cannot be another media outlet that gets quoted on this bbs site as much as the guardian,especiallywhen all hell has broken loose when brexit rears its ugly head. in the main the guardian is treated as gospel on here