Following the news that some poor soul has seemingly committed suicide today on that godawful barge - the government continues in their search for the bottom of the barrel with the Rwanda stuff. Not quite sure what's worse.
Tory majority exactly matched the abstention number. Probably the optimal result for the opposition as it just prolongs everything into the New Year when they implode again at next stage with all the attempts to amend it.
And the fallback position is that if the bill totally clears Parliament (which will take a long time, especially with the HoL phases), it will still become mired in the courts, despite all the attempts to avoid them. Should it get through the courts intact, the impracticalities of it will soon become apparent. Hopefully the Tories are long gone by then.
Has any main opposition party suggested this? I think working with France is key. But will it totally stop traffickers or people crossing the channell I'm not sure.
It was Labours plan so I assume it still is. Why would you risk paying people smugglers and the danger of a sea crossing when you know you can get assessed in France. It’s how it used to work before the Tories deliberately engineered a crisis for electoral gain. At the very worst it would massively cut the bill for keeping asylum seekers in hotels and would mean claims were assessed speedily and that those not qualifying for asylum be returned as soon as possible and those that are able to get jobs and pay in rather than take out which I assume is what most normal people want.
Because you think you have little or zero chance of been accepted? I'd say the whole immigration and people wanting to move around the world from the middle east and Africa has changed alot since Labour were last in government.
The year with the most asylum claims in the UK was 2004. Mostly from the Middle East after the start of the Iraq War. But also from Sudan after the start of the Darfur conflict, the civil wars in DRC and Ivory Coast and the military operations in the Horn of Africa. Asylum claims were 20% higher than this year or last. Without any of the manufactured outrage.
76% of those assessed are found to have the right to asylum. This isn’t a new thing. Asylum seekers at the moment are low numerically to what they were in the 90s and in 2004. The Tories have manufactured a crisis but the facts don’t match up.
For ~£10m, you could put every asylum seeker on a ferry. They rock up to a centre in France, fingerprints, DNA, fill in some forms and get put on a bus across on the overnight ferry and taken straight to a processing centre. Immediately, the traffickers are undercut to the point it is no longer viable for them to operate. The money given (so far) to Rwanda would fund this for around 20-30 years. And under the terms of the Rwanda treaty, anyone who is rejected by their asylum system is returned... to the UK. As is anyone convicted of a serious offence there.
But in that year you could apply for asylum without risking your life crossing the channel in a boat or lorry. So claims would be higher?
If the numbers claiming doubled, it would still be £100m/year cheaper than Rwanda. If we could process claims within 2-3 months instead of 2-3 years, it would be billions cheaper than the current model. Stick half the savings on claims processors at the Home Office and the backlog goes along with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the rags.
Odd how his WhatsApp messages “got lost” like Johnson’s did. Must both have got their phones off the same dodgy ebay seller…..