Thanks guys. Looking forward to seeing you all, much appreciate the comments. .... Young Nudger why act like a nob because everyone doesn't think like you think and attempt to cause controversy (shakes head)? Everybody is welcome, if folk can't make it we understand, there's no problem. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head saying you've got to attend. We don't consider any excuse as lame, we understand that people have got lives away from this place, be that The Pack or this board. But it's nice to see people taking time out of their busy lives to answer a post that Roy (Bossman) took time to construct and then organise this do to help support us in trying to build up trade and it's much appreciated. Yours sincerely this landlord fella (Bryan) Shed131 Once again looking forward to meeting everyone that attends and hopefully in future meeting those that can't and that includes you nudger.