Radar Love …. Golden Earring. Music press over here loved them and they received numerous awards…. particularly the NME
TBF, Mr Lydon spent a lot of time looking (with Nora) after Ari's kids - she died from cancer a few years ago. But my theory is that his lurch towards MAGA was caused by being stuck at home with Nora and watching Fox news and falling past the event horizon. Both were booked on Pan Am 103 - which exploded over Lockerbie - but missed the flight.
Gonna have to disagree with you on a few of those Jimmy. David Essex, who, bizarrely, my mum knows, had another couple of great songs (that may pop up one weekend, in a red card tempting selection!). Incidentally, did you know that Michael Stipe is a fan of his, with Rock On being the inspiration for Drive? I also quite like Cut, although I can appreciate it can be hard work. I helped my next door neighbour out when a young lass drove into both mine and his walls, and as a thank you he gave me half a dozen of his old albums, all in excellent condition. He was big into punk back in the day and even attended the Pistols’ Christmas Day gig in Huddersfield. Honestly, you should hear some of his stories, like all the times he saw Joy Division when they were still the support band. Amongst the records he gave me were copies of London Calling and Cut, which were very gratefully accepted. He got rid of 95% of his collection a few years back, otherwise he said I could have had them all. One can only imagine what else he had. Funnily enough, chatting to him I found that he used to live in Belsize Park, just round the corner from where I used to live, albeit he left London a couple of years before I moved there, and like me he has a few London branch pool trophies. He even attended Gerry Wainwright’s wedding. “I could tell you some stories about Gerry” he said, not realising I also had dozens! And to echo an earlier comment, Viv Albertine was, and remains, a very attractive lady. I also differ from you regarding Coldplay and Red Hot Chili Peppers, as I haven’t heard anything by either that doesn’t make me want to pour concrete in my ears. In fact, RHCP would be a good answer to a question “name a band that seems to only have one song”. Ghastly. I really had to wrack my brain to come up with something that fulfilled the OP’s requirements, as I was just coming up with one hit wonders, which is not the same thing, but then I remembered this one. A lovely, heartbreaking song, doubly so, as it came out shortly after I split with the missus after about 20 years. It once again proves that the gorgeous Susannah Hoffs can make any song better.
I love a bit of DE to be fair. Just that Rock On is so much better than anything else he did. I interviewed him back in the day and took my mam with me as she’s a massive fan and he was amazingly nice with her.
Going to post this. I didn't get to see them before they originally split - although I am assured they were really good but they currently are the worst live band I've paid to actually see. This is probably one of the best American singles of the period.
Gobsmacked. Might as well have put something by The Beatles or Rolling Stones. I wouldn't even say that Losing My Religion is their best song.
It is a bit tongue in cheek! Obviously I know that REM can't be described objectively as "rubbish" - most of my favourite bands would probably have them down as a big influence - but I've bounced hard off them every time I've tried to listen to more than a few tracks. It's been a few years though, so maybe it's time to give them another go!
I would. Their material is incredibly diverse, so although you're unlikely to love all of it, I'm sure you'll find something that floats your boat. Who are your favourite bands?