Looks to me like another open secret amongst TV/comedians etc. Maybe the reason he's not on TV anymore and instead peddling crap on YouTube. Looks like he's got some serious jail time coming up.
I'm not taking the side of Russell Brand. If what you have read is what actually happened then it will stand up in court and he will be convicted. I was taking the side of @tingleytyke who I thought was being unfairly labelled.
For those who haven’t seen the article, here’s the part I was referring to. It’s just so detailed and provides solid proof of attending the clinic and the messages between them.
Exactly. The MSM know what he's like. There is a reason he's gone from being in Hollywood movies around the time the alleged allegations against him, to someone now reliant on You Tube to be seen as TV channels won't touch him. I hope we get to hear the opinions of Katherine Ryan and Jimmy Carr sometime.
Yeah, I get that. I don’t understand why tingley thinks it matters why they’ve gone after him now, if what the media are saying is true. I supposes it’s a minor interesting question as in ‘why don’t they also go after others and why wait until now’ but that’s not how he’s framing it. He doesn’t seem to think the allegations are wrong, he’s more bothered that they’ve gone after him because of his ‘big pharma’ rants.
It doesn't. If he disputes what these women have said he can sue for defamation. That's if he really wants to hear their accounts of his behaviour set out in court. I'll be interested to see if he tries. May not work out so well for him.
If what the media are saying is true then it doesn't. I don't think that was the point he was making. I think he was suggesting that there is a possibility they're not true, as not all media allegations are necessarily facts. I'm not in a position to judge that. It may well all be completely true. I can relate this to a band I like. There were allegations made about the lead singer. It didn't make the same sort of headlines as this as they're not nearly as high profile as Russell Brand. These allegations were, however, repeated in many music publications, both in print and online, and some high profile mainstream US media outlets (they weren't really known in the UK). They were quite detailed allegations from more than one person and the band's tour was cancelled, they were dropped from their record label and the singer made a couple of attempts on his own life. I don't know for sure if the allegations were true or false, but I do know they were anonymous and no criminal investigation even took place as they were not reported to the police. I suspect they weren't true, but that didn't stop many media publications destroying him. I just think trial by jury is far better than trial by media. But again, I'm not disputing the allegations made in this instance, I would just prefer to wait until there is a verdict.
Sometimes though, it takes the media to bring alleged misdeeds to public attention before wider action is instigated. See The Telegraph with the MPs' expenses scandal, for instance.
It certainly does. The media/journalists can and do a very valuable job. Many criminal investigations are instigated by the media. None more famous than Watergate. But there are also unscrupulous journalists, editors and even whole corporations who use that power and reputation to do harm. I'd like to say I can tell the difference and when I read some hatchet job in something like The Sun, then I can, but I don't think I always can. There are still many people who believe The Sun's account of what happened at Hillsborough. Not as many as there used to be, but still a lot. I can't even talk about the subject with any of my friends because the lies told are so entrenched in their view of it and I lose my ****.
He makes a point. But it's not revolutionary and he's of limited influence as a crap ex-comedian. If the "media elites" wanted to silence him wouldn't they have just not let him on that tv show in the first place? He's innocent until proven guilty and I fully believe in due process, but I think that suggesting there is some agenda against him to undermine the stories of his alleged victims who have come forward with evidence is distasteful.
but no-one did the proper thing and report to the authorities? Or at least not that we know of i guesss.
He's a never was in my book Never could stand him. Also all the enablers who allowed it to go on should hang their heads in shame. It should have been nipped in the bud early doors when it was first known what he was like.
The women didn’t dare and then you get the bystanders like this: He feels sick about it, is proud of Daniel Sloss (the only comedian willing to speak on record about Brand) and knows there are ‘lots of others that need to be exposed’ and he ‘hopes they are’… but not enough to actually say or do anything about it? People only get away with things because of those who let them.
But if there's no evidence from victims then coming out and saying something probably leads to being sued for defamation.
Oh well. Let's get rid of the courts and just have channel 4 convict people of rape. It's much easier and cheaper. Actually quite shocked how many people in this thread have convicted him based on a one sided investigation by the same people we all saw repeating lies about hue Edwards a few months ago. It's just wrong. Very very wrong and it ******* ruins lives, and indeed leads to many suicides every single day and yet here you are all convicting someone without any trial and doing so quite gleefully. Should be ashamed of yourselves
The issue I've got is not the idea that he should be tried and is innocent until proven guilty, it's the talk of elites and mainstream media nonsense. It's also worth considering that this place is heavily male dominated, and I dread to think what it must feel like as a woman when this type of thing happens and know that only 5% of rapes lead to convictions. It's a difficult topic and definitely not suited to a place full of engendered bias like this.
It worked in the Caroline Flack case didn't it? Hopefully the police we now investigate these allegations and charges will be brought if the evidence is accurate.
The overwhelming response ST seems to be that, whether guilty or not, the stuff coming out about him is absolutely nothing to do with big pharma. Society is caught in a difficult place where serious investigative journalism is vital yet that is used as a cover for muck raking tabloids printing stuff like this to titillate their hard of thinking readers. I wish we could live in a society where stuff like this never gets near the media until the first day of a trial. Whether Brand is or isn't guilty is separate to the fact that it's not big pharma that's pulling the strings.