Started off as a bit of a joke. Wrapping a pretty average vodka in gold and flooding influencer channels with it. Doesn’t make it any less of a success - it was me that brought it up remember!
I don't want to go all whataboutry as I do understand why this stance is being taken and the theory behind restrictions on Russia even though they harm innocent people too. However it does make me think about how much business we almost certainly do with countries with horrible regimes. How we are seeing Russian Sports being restricted while we all head off and have a World Cup in a country with a horrible human rights record. Not all things are equal, I do understand that. I suppose my point isn't we shouldn't stand against Russia but we should do so much more in so many other areas.
I don't know if it's still the same but a few years ago Britain's biggest selling vodka was Vladivar... distilled in that famous Russian city... Warrington.
Given the news that Coca-Cola are not pulling out of Russia, are we drinking polish vodka and pepsi then?