The situation with the North stand is a disgrace. A fairly modern stand that can't meet the minimum evacuation requirements, so even when allowed there will still only be a max capacity of approx 5200. I guess it will be even less when those muppets at SYP get involved.
I hope they take the seats out of the Ponty to create any new safe standing area, it is dangerous to stand in the current seating yet many do , at least by installing the standing area there would give those who want to stand the opportunity to do so therefore eliminating any disruption for fans who have had their seats in other areas of the ground & do not relish giving them up.
Disagree entirely that I'm black and white and you're not. I believe there are many reasons for a change in atmosphere, it was you who tried to pin it all on sitting down. Before obviously and quite painfully backtracking of course
Which is a completely different reason given for a reduced north stand capacity than what the safety officer gave me in a very open and Frank conversation.
You tell me Helen?! I'm sure the evacuation thingy was the official line from the club. Just seems an embarrassment that a fairly modern stand cannot be used to full capacity.
Guilty as charged m'Lud! Seriously though, you can't exclude examples just because they disprove your point?
You do have a point thousands of deaths each year on the roads are virtually ignored (smart motorways make this worse) but every death on the railways results in an enquiry. It is all about perceived risk. I take a risk when I travel 165 miles to every home game. I regard this as acceptable. The nation I general see the risk of death on the roads as acceptable. The risk of people losing their lives as an entertainment venue is not acceptable. Our values do not always stand up to much scrutiny.
Whilst I agree about the public’s attitude to risk; the road/rail comparison isn’t binary as your example suggests. Roads are risk assessed and their ‘safety’ is based on drivers (who happen to be other members of the public) following the rules (laws) of the road. Following an accidental death, there is always an investigation, it’s just not a ‘public enquiry’. Deaths on public transport or in public spaces are generally not caused by members of the public*, the public therefore need to be assured that if a failure is organisational, then mitigation is built into future safety plans. *when deaths are simply caused by a member of the public, then there’s a criminal investigation rather than a public enquiry.
Am I right in thinking that there's never actually been a crush resulting in multiple deaths at a UK football match due to fans standing during games? Hillsborough wasn't caused by fans standing during games, it was caused by the gates being opened and uncontrolled entry o the stadium, burnden park was caused by illegal entry to the stadium causing uncontrolled access to the stadium and Ibrox wasnt even in the stands was it? It was outside the stands on a stairway to the exit gates.
Why do we need standing when we can't even fill the ground? My biggest concern is the crush you get when everyone is pushing their way through the exit gates. At least seating slows the rush to get out of the ground.