As with most returnees I shan't even acknowledge his presence during the game , It usually does nothing but enhance their game whilst being chastised ,but some never learn or aren't bothered, I did appreciate his goals whilst he was here and he'll always be part of the magical period I witnessed choose what he does in future.
Agree with this I wont forget his important goals especially the 2 against walsall but I support the team not sam winnall. I think it's just the way he went about the move which will get him plenty of stick on his return. He will Probley be warming bench anyway.
Your right Barnsley FC comes first to us but Sam's worth will never get much higher than it is now and he must have had nod from his agent to do what he did . He has no affinity with our club other than a professional status . Some may say he was unprofessional etc but tbh with the structure in place at our club and scouting network I don't give a chuff what he does tbh and I'll show him as much in my refusal to berate him on his return. I won't give him the satisfaction and use my energy supporting lads on pitch in a red shirt.
Him signing for a local rival makes it difficult to acknowledge him or wish him well and the way he left wasn't great, but I've no axe to grind with him at all. He gave us excellent service over 2.5 years of a 3 year contract, became the 20 goals a season man we all wanted and played as big a part in our revival as anyone. I'm probably going to get shot down here, but I think we got our money's worth out of him and don't feel he owed us anything. Now it's time for Bradshaw to define his era with us. I remember when David Geddis left mid season for 80 Grand and went to Birmingham after he'd scored something like 25 goals in 45 games, clubs decision to sell him though. That was a steal.
Like you say it just spurs the player on shouting abuse. I remember going Blackpool in flickers great escape and giving tom Ince the "you dad's a **** and so are you" it seemed to really fire him up he then scored to make it 1-1 first thing he did was cup his ear to the away end. We won anyway 2-1 but still not always a good idea.
Isn't it 1 in 3 starts or some such not great but not *****. It would seem the sort of game that would appeal to Winnall's character to me. You could be right though we struggle from balls crossed in from the side either corners or open play as both Roberts and Angus prefer head on balls so might concentrate on getting balls into the box if he's watched us.
I've no doubt you are not a moron but that is simply a moronic post. It achieves nothing whatsoever other than satisfying your egoism and your belief that you are cool/clever/hip with lyrics. You're not It doesn't have the nice ring you presume either. I don't normally respond to posts like this but the sheer pointlessness and crassness of what you say sucks. Get a grip and grow up. Post something sensible next time.
I still like him & wish him all the best. Not sure I could ever have bad feeling towards a lad who did so much for us. We were good for each other, simple as.
He did a lot for us and I've nothing against anybody trying to better themselves. When I was working I moved for wage increases, although nothing like the one he got and also for a shed load more work and responsibility. What stuck in my throat was his timing. On a day when BFC closed down to lay a faithful servant to rest it was a really classless thing to do to pop up grinning out of a photo while signing a lucrative new contract with another Club, especially that one. It would have been easier to swallow if he could have waited a day, in my opinion. When he comes back to Oakwell I'll not be booing him, as that too would be classless. I'll just ignore him like I do players of other Clubs and carry on supporting the Reds in the same way I've done for the past 60 years.
There's a picture of Hourihane in a Villa shirt towards the end of the game in today's Chronicle and (if you set aside his 28K a week) you'd almost feel sorry for him given how miserable he looks.