No, it isn’t. It’s a forum for Barnsley FC fans to talk about whatever they like. Unsurprisingly, we quite often talk about football, but not always.
Not sure what point you're trying to make but it's an open forum so feel free to start a thread. If people want to talk about it they'll join in, and if they don't then they won't.
I find it distasteful that a thread about the rape and murder of a young woman and discussion on how possibly to prevent it has been used to try to point score. If you'd put it on the HGV thread then maybe your point about a political forum would have made more sense Right off to get soaked at the game Sarah Everard RIP.
Not point scoring and no offence intended.I did say in my first post this is a serious issue or words to that effect.Just wondered why use a football forum to air views but hey ho.Like I said no offence intended!
It's been a few years since doing physics a-level so I can honestly say that I no longer have any thoughts on it. It's a bit rude to hijack someone's thread to talk about a completely unrelated topic though, perhaps try posting a separate thread and I'm sure someone will have a chat with you about it.