My personal view is that having a Preservation Order would cause more harm than good. Whilst I outlined the procedure re getting a Preservation Order on the West Stand put in place I don't think it would be a very good idea because it would greatly limit what the club could do with the stand. As I understand it one individual can apply for a Preservation Order and once that application is made the building/structure can't be touched for 6 months while the application is assessed and if a permanent Preservation Order is put in place BFC will not in full control of what happens to the stand. I wonder if BFC are aware of that? (That one individual can remain anonymous.) But something needs to be done as the West Stand is becoming increasingly run down.
I'm as sentimental as most mate. It was my abode for 20 + years. After the ponty and prior to east stand. (Terrace standing that is) and gutted me to go to all seater stadia, but it has to go. Probably keeping the signage and an image of the broken glassed top wall projected on match days. Daft idea I know but would be a nice memory walking down Belgrave Rd,
My understanding is that once something is listed it is a colossal ballache to make changes to it. Would be a nightmare i think. Im sure it will be sorted once our fortunes change and its needed.
While ever their is a 50/50 ownership of the ground with BMBC nothing is going to happen to the West Stand so all these debates count for nothing I'm afraid.
If they could knock the Black Bull down in Stairfoot they’d have no problem with West Stand , nothing stands in the way of progress unfortunately .
I'd like to see it pulled down, even though for the first 13 years of attending Oakwell I sat in there with my late Father. Neither do I believe that we have to wait until we get promoted to the Premier League to do it. Had we done that before, we'd have been in a right mess for the 1997/98 campaign, spending what money we did have on the East Stand & Ponty End instead of bringing in players. John Dennis was pilloried for building the East Stand in the early '90's. "A white elephant" was the claim from the know everything section of the fan base. But subsequent events proved that the board & he were spot on doing what they did and the critics were wrong.
Sounds like a cracking idea for someone to do if they didnt get on with their neighbour and knew they were about to start a building project
I have mixed feelings on this- I’ve been going to Oakwell for 61 years (I’m nearly 66) - until the East Stand was finished, the West Stand (or as we called it “The Stand”, presumably after Grandstand) was home to me - i moved time the East Stand & have remained there since. I have many memories of the West Stand with my dad (& his mate, Maurice) - “they dunt want it!” & a guy shouting “Yer rubbish, referee!” (Only once per match though) Despite all that, I think, on balance, it needs replacing to “match” the rest of our ground. My brother utterly disagrees with my though!
You’ve said this before - and I totally agree. Expensive but would be fantastic. Big glass front to it, could accommodate more offices, bars and a large function room. Similar concept to the stands at Highbury.
The problem in the past has always been where do you put it? Now I'd say the ideal place is behind the east stand. I think it would make an absolutely stunning hospitality area and fanzone with a glass front.
It’d be to the detriment to the club if anyone did this and succeeded. I sit there and enjoy it, but we always need the ability to upgrade if required. This would stop it.
That’s the first stand I remember standing in. I used to go with my father. We stood just to the left of the tunnel, as viewed from the pitch. I stood at the front by the wall, which I could hardly see over. I think I recognized players by their ankles an socks. My dad behind with his mates. In the latter days there was an enclosure between the stand and the tunnel where the Academy lads used to stand. My father used to police the games. He would wander from the tunnel and through the enclosure to chat with me. I always got funny looks for talking to a copper. I remember standing there one day when some lad was threatening an opposition player. I think it was Kenny Burns of Leeds. Kenny heard the threats and gestured for him to come on the pitch and have a go. The lad’s father was encouraging him, but nothing happened.
I think the segregation area at each side of Tunnel came about when an elderly supporter threatened a referee during an high profile game , can’t remember which game but it was reported in the main media sometime early eighties I think .
I think it should be replaced with something like at Brammall Lane (John Street Stand) I do apologise for putting this filth on here, but, Something Similar I think would finish our ground off nicely The seats are in the place of the current west stand seats. The bottom row of the "exec" boxes, could be used as a full length expansion on disability places, and a top row for more exec boxes....
They could re-design it just like Aston Villa, Rangers and Sheff Wed did with theirs. Build a brand new stand with a gable. If gables are suddenly the in thing.
I love the West Stand but sooner or later it's going to have to come down. We can't even use half of it at the minute - how about in 10 years? I've always thought that it harms the atmosphere a bit - makes the Well less enclosed I'd love to see a new stand built that incorporates some features of the original - a version of the little gantry at the top, a gable roof and the big tunnell coming out of the middle. Then you could put a new, larger Redfearn's bar inside it, and maybe some facilities for the fans/ kids on matchdays. I think it should have the same capacity but preferably be a bit taller, bringing it more in line with the rest of the ground (apart from the East Stand obviously). The West Stand is a great opportunity for the owners to leave a lasting legacy. If they did it right it could be breilliant. I want to see a stand with character.
0 - 0 home to Donny Rovers if I remember correctly . Pat Partridge was the referee and had a right mare . The OAP was bollocking him whilst gesturing with his walking stick .
Agree, John Dennis did an excellent job - not always appreciated. The one bit of the West Side I'd retain would be the red-painted wall with the glass on top - probably contravenes every H & S regulation but to me it does symbolise a past era.