ok w"nker "Data from PHE so far suggests infections in school year groups are being introduced from different sources rather than being spread between pupils in schools,"
No the cause of transmission is people and more people in 1 room that do are not normally in the same room the more chance that the COVID virus can be introduced to someone who hasn’t got it from someone who has. It was said some time ago we may need to choose between schools and pubs and I believe schools for children are more important than pubs but I also believe universities should have stayed on zoom and as a lot of the highest spikes before lockdown came in uni cities but that’s my opinion
But pubs and schools aren't comparable and it's scandalous that people have fell for the crap that they are. That there had to be a choice between a restaurant and a school. In what ****** up world is that a choice? Cases spread much MUCH easier in Tesco yet they've been allowed to do whatever they please. Why? God knows. Rich owners maybe
Schools stayed open in tier 2 and tier 3 areas, we have seen a fall in cases in tier 3 areas and rises in tier 2. Schools have remained open in both, what does that tell you?
Incomplete facts. Is the rise in cases in tier 2 areas higher than it would be if schools were shut? Is the fall in cases in tier 3 areas less than it would be if schools were shut? Everyone with an ounce of common sense will tell you that the answer to both questions is yes. Do you agree?
So we all go back to doing everything we used to because we can’t restrict anybody from doing anything and interact with the whole world and see how it spreads well that worked well before lockdown 1 and as I have said before Kirklees cases was rising before schools went back even though in being in higher restrictions than most of the country and the only action that has reduced the cases is when pubs and restaurants shut and some choices don’t suit everyone and speaking as someone who doesn’t have kids schools being open and pubs shut is not any benefit to me
The fact is in Wakefield in Mid-November there were approx 6 thousand cases, there's now 700. Schools have been open all that time.
Don’t know what the * are covering up but what science am I to follow because how does it spread if it’s not people passing it on to people it is not in a location it is in people
It depends on what you define as ‘lots’ but I’d say we have had lots of cases at my school although not as many as I expected for the size we are, we’ve had loads less than nearby schools of a similar size.
Well I just sort of thought if school children were getting it, then it would seem likely they would all get it given the proximity. Then all the families of children from said school would be infected too. I haven't heard of that really happening, but that could be too simplistic a take on it.
Do schools have some magic antiviral properties? Can we protect all the vulnerable people by sending them back to school?