Not dealt a good hand with our best players etc. But never shown any passion or tried to interract with the fans. Didn't work out and luckily we move on.
At a cost. But without getting NDA’s from everyone who knows something it’s pretty difficult. So in reality, if the rumour is true there’s likely be a dozen or so people around the club who’d know first hand, if they each only tell 2 people they trust implicitly, you’ve got a very large pool of people. Each of them tells 2 etc. And there’s always someone whose immediate reaction to having inside info is to tell someone they know they shouldn’t. Are there any psychologists here who can give the R number of a ‘secret’ within specific parameters, I’ve no idea whether my guess of 2 is even close.
I reckon they wont say anything and we have to turn upto the game on wednesday to see who is in the dugout