Just got my code, had ziltch prior to this but as you say my interest is getting a refund. My wife, also a season ticket holder has received nothing up to now but no point in us both having a code. I would need at least one refund if they try to make it compensation. Keep us updated if you get a reply. Edit.. seems it was answered while I was typing post
So how long should I wait before worrying that other people have their codes and I don't? @YTBFC do you know if they were sent as a single mailing list, or multiple groups?
We are trying our hardest to help thousands of folk and getting called all kinds of names, told we are liars and a lot of other unpleasant stuff in between. I've had better days.
Considering it's Wednesday, and they're being dispatched from today, and in stages/batches, I'd relax old pal. If by this time tomorrow you've got nothing, let me know and I'll try and help.
My code arrived today before I had the chance to complain about it not arriving. I demand that @YTBFC rescinds the email until I've had ample opportunity to vent my angst. Then and only then will I activate the code on the wrong device thus necessitating more ire and anger misdirected towards the groundsman.
Please don't interpret my reasoned criticism of the club as anything rude or personal against you, in fact you have my admiration for sticking your head above the parapet. Whilst I don't know you or your role, I suspect the fault may lie elsewhere. Another poster suggested I listen to Dane's hour long Q and A and try and clean some steer from that. I am not sure that's good enough. I don't have the time (didn't stop working in lockdown and lots going on privately too). I have had a look at the website and cant see anything that directly answers it. The only thing I can find is some window dressing about prizes if people renew. I would rather they just extend the early bird until we know what is happening next season, confirm the ifollow thing is just a gesture and give those that do renew on an early bird basis the option to carry the refund over into next year's ticket. Surely this would make commercial sense from a cash flow point of view
To be honest Dane's interview is brilliant and he comes across well but no it doesn't answer the questions you asked. He was directly asked about what happens for example should a significant portion of next season be behind closed doors and he said no decision had been made.