Probably the amount bought before the end of April will now be more or less the final total. Can't see many more being sold at full price now.
I'm not averse to offers etc. I don't agree, I think the early bird deal rewards existing customers which is rare these days. Many companies try to lure new customers with the best deals and rely on existing customers who can't be arsed to shop around to subsidise this. The ST costing structure has been in place for a while, it shouldn't be a surprise when the price goes up after a certain date. I'm not sure that as we've been relegated we should reduce the cost of the tickets.
I do hope so. I started renewing mine (on the last day), got sidetracked and forgot to complete checkout. Doh!
Don't see it that way perosnally. As when we first introduced the early bird it was as I recall around or maybe just less than what it had been the year before. So for me the "full price," is fabricated. The early bird is the real price and the price after is a punishment designed to force people into renewing early. The removal of the middle band "may" pricing was a terrible move in my humble opinion.