I spend a lot of time in Snowdonia and the thing is every Tom Dick and Harry just go to Snowdon, when there are loads more walks and beautiful places our there to experience, I've walked in some places, especially around the Nantile valley for hours and not seen another human, it's bliss but like I say people flock just to Snowdon
Same with Cumbria and the Peak District. There are some quiet places to enjoy without the crowds. Then you get the Pennine Way at Edale where it starts and it's full of people pushing buggies, women wearing high heels and folk wearing trainers just so that they can say they've been on the Pennine Way! Sadly, these days the Pennine Way is paved over in loads of places because of the erosion and this opens it up to this kind of visitor near the tourist locations.
Exactly, I always try to avoid what I class as the touristy areas and head for the quieter less know parts otherwise it loses the point of these places for me, if I wanted crowds I'd just go Skeggy or Cleggy
I just can’t help think it’s an element of decent weather and people thinking locked down soon, get out whilst you can.
It probably will be and only total lockdown will stop it . But because there’s loads you can’t say some are spoiling it for others as if theirs innocent party’s and guilty party’s . Everyone’s equal in this .
We need lockdown and Bojo is a idiot. After being level with Italy with deaths after 14 days we are a fair bit behind them after day 15 figures that have just come in as I expected triple figures of deaths like they had. We can't get complacent though.
Watching Boris now and he still will not IMPOSE lockdown Still just "advice" When there is no consequence for doing what the hell you like, people will flout the "advice"
Brother who lives in Milan tells me that in Italy the over 70's with underlying health problems are refused treatment if they have the virus - not enough ventilators - their chances of surviving very poor anyway.
I worry Boris won't do a complete lockdown because he thinks we will stay behind Italy at the same stage.
The pattern is interesting. London comes up with high figures, which you would expect because of the population density, commuting, multi-national journeying, use of underground and public transport etc. Home Counties come up high as well, which links with commuting and indicates that folks may well have contracted the virus some days ago now. Hampshire is a higher anomaly. it looks as though the hot-spot there is in the north of the county, which, again, might draw a link with commuting, which will increase as you get closer to London. Then there are strange anomalies: why is Devon higher than Cornwall? Cumbria is remarkably high, given its population density. These two and other similar ones would indicate that folks moving to second homes there, or just going 'on holiday' there as tourists might be seen actually to be spreading the virus. One other anomaly: Orkney has NO recorded cases, but Shetland has twenty-four. Is that more evidence of tourism spreading the virus, if more tourists visit Shetland than Orkney. The Western Isles also have no cases. I bet that they are thankful for the stretch of water called the Minches. Sometime, when it's all settled down again, someone will do an analysis and we will be able better to understand what factors spread the virus most and what action could be taken in future, if we had to.
Italy have 4 million less folk, many living in close proximity to one another in major cities and have had 4400 now recovered from covid 19 just to add a little perspective here. Yes it’s very serious but let’s have more balance please, wether on here or on the news.
Look at those figures in 3 weeks time, we are allegedly 3 weeks behind their timescale (as mentioned on another thread) It might be well different then Stay safe
We are comparing our day 14-15 since first death to what Italy had. So what we are talking about isn't three weeks behind.
What is vital is the Italian figures ought to start improving later this week - they have been on lockdown for nearly 2 weeks now so it its working the number of new cases should start to slow. rate of deaths will continue increasing for at least another 2 weeks though even if the new cases start to drop. If it doesnt work it doesnt bear thinking about. I see Italy has now banned travel for all non essential work though I dont know what that covers
We supposedly have 20 critical cases....... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/ Italy have a massive 3,000...... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy/ It's bad enough what's happening here. We are however lucky we aren't as dire as Italy. I cannot imagine what the people are going through.
Just been reading something that said China took a month to peak. dont know if that is relevant to Italy or us and since then has gradually been coming down.