Shot man a legal Brazilian immigrant.

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board ARCHIVE' started by Guest, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    Easy to say that now, but maybe we don't fully understand how jumpy things are in London. We're a world away from it all thankfully.
  2. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    roundsman i aplogise if i offended you i've been reading this and the old site for a couple of years never felt like repling before i enjoy reading everyones postings but this thread i feel strongley about and i still think the police had no choice once again sorry if i offended you steveie
  3. Jay

    Jay Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    I've heard eye witness accounts that say they shouted 'police'. I've heard others that say they definitely didn't.

    One thing that does trouble me, if they decided that they had to take him out before he exploded the bomb they thought he was carrying, why did they make him aware of their presence by shouting "Police"? Wouldn't that make him more likely to explode the bomb? Isn't that what this whole argument is about? They had to kill him to save lives. They couldn't simply arrest him. They couldn't just injure him to bring him down. They couldn't disable him. Otherwise he'd have blown everyone up. That is the argument that everyone is using, and I understand where they are coming from. Yet these people who argue that he had to be shot and killed are quite willing to accept that the police just notified him of their presence? It's one way or another. It's a shoot on sight policy or it isn't. You don't shout "police" and then execute someone. To me, it doesn't add up.
  4. Journo Tyke

    Journo Tyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    That's a good point, hmmmmm (chinny)
  5. Gue

    Guest Guest

    here's the take on the international view

    Please note it states that the plain clothed police "pinned him down and shot him five times in the head and torso"

    I ask, if they truly believed that he had a bomb strapped to him, why did they shoot him in the torso? And again, the most prevalent trigger is the type that is armed by pushing down on it and is set off with the release of the finger. As a terrorist, don't you think he would have had it armed already? Shooting him would have set it off.
  6. Gue

    Guest Guest

    my point was about people that dont make any attempt to speak the language

    which is why my post under that title was about a muslim mosque.

    Although having said that, send me to any country in the world and i guarentee you i will know the word police in their language. Mainly because if im going on holiday somewhere i buy a phrase finder or do at least a little bit of research into the very basic words of their language.
    hello, goodbye, thankyou and police.

    Can i also point out he was followed from a block of flats. Not an hotel so it is reasonable to assume he spoke english at least a little as if he was on holiday he had done a good job of finding his way to an address and then found his way unaided into central london. to do that requires at least a little understanding of the language.
  7. Gue

    Guest Guest

    it is a good point BUT

    think about it like this. there were more than one police officer so i PRESUME and i dont know this for a fact but i guess they could see his hands. they had their guns out (apparently this is fact) and so they would know that his hands were not on any bomb.

    they would shout police and if his hands moved within an inch of his pocket/rucksack etc they would shoot him in the head before he had time to press the button. If he put his hands in the air they wouldnt.

    I think that is a plausible explanation as to what could be the plan. This guy turned and ran so the officers had to think on their feet.

    As to why they shot 5 times, well that is in my mind easy. There were more than one officer. if there were 5 officers then that is just 1 shot each. there is no order. Jim doesnt shoot first then david, then brian. as soon as that fecker moves each one of them notices it and takes a shot. that is 5 shots but only one each. It is quite plausible that they took 2 each as well because if it was me id be shooting twice just to make sure.
  8. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    No offence at all Stevie. Just differing points of view.
  9. Gue

    Guest Guest

    using their eyes im sure they could see if he had anything in his hand

    also they last 8 bombs have NOT been of the type you describe, nor has the equipment they found whilst searching houses (or at least that is not the information given out by police)
  10. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: its alright but people like that give the decent foreigners a bad name

    i can see what you're getting at but it does not create a multicultural society when they all speak different languages and make no attempt to speak the language of which they are living in.

    What it does is creates several different societies that are all alienated from each other.
  11. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    Great point Jay - which is why I feel (though I don't know) no warning was given. As soon as the word POLICE was called, and the badge flashed, then his bomb button could have been pressed. The fact is that the police intelligence was very wrong, and that bothers me.
  12. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: If someone wearing a uniform pointed a gun at me I'd stop

    a bullet would fly quicker than a mans arm would reach into his pocket/bag/etc and press a button. hed be dead before he could touch it.
  13. Gue

    Guest Guest

    using their brains, surely they would have figured out that

    shooting a person in the torso when presumed to have a bomb strapped to them was a stupid thing to do.

    but then the beginnings of genocide is fine as long as you are on the side doing the shooting eh? deserved to die because he looked different and ran, didn't he? or am I mistaking the jist of yours and journo tykes posting? shoot 'em if they ain't british, keep the isles pure.

    next thing is they'll start shooting into crowds and hopefully get the one thier after, in the military they call it "acceptable losses" hopefully someone you know won't be in the line of fire next time.

    all police make mistakes, they are only human and are doing the best they can under difficult circumstanes. but to condone a public execution of an innocent person is beyond reasonable. to even think he deserved it because he had on a puffy coat and ran from the police would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. but then he was just a foreigner eh? not worthy of living in a safe place. he wasn't british therefore he was less than human. a "fatty asian looking bloke"

    can't wait for the mass hysterics and the riots with people's homes getting burned because they are muslim. remember "chrystal night"?
  14. joc

    jock New Member

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    eloquently put
  15. Gue

    Guest Guest

    of course you are missreading postings

    and assuming that everyone in britain is a racist. just like you did on september 11th when everyone was ouyt to get america.

    noboy has claimed that if you look different then you should be shot. not once, not even a hint yet you decided that me and journo think that. why?
  16. joc

    jock New Member

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    don't you mean the Night of Broken Glass?
  17. Gue

    Guest Guest

    Because your points

    are illogical, frighteningly niave, and stomach churning in the inference.
  18. Gue

    Guest Guest

    ps, who said he was shot in the torso

    5 times in the head is what witnesses, the police, newspapers and tv channels are saying.

    the chief of police says that they shot him in the head because they cant shoot in the torso. that doesnt sound like a comment theyd make after they did shoot him in the stomach
  19. Gue

    Guest Guest

    which ones?
  20. Gue

    Guest Guest

    which is known as

    Kristallnacht to anyone with half a brain. The beginning of the final solution.

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