Shot man a legal Brazilian immigrant.

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board ARCHIVE' started by Guest, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. Jay

    Jay Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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  2. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: which ones?

    "what should they do? stop and let him off then wait for the bang? or say **** him, he can do what he wants because he might not understand english? I'm sorry but how fecking hard is it to understand the words stop police? if they cant understand the basic words or obide by the basic laws of the country then they should **** off we dont want that sort of people here ruining our great country."

    "I was watching a program the other day showing the oldest mosque in england and it has little kids who have to learn the muslim (peaceful) way every day for so many hours. i thought, fine, at least theyre learning peaceful muslim ways but then it suddenly hit me. ALL of these young children were speaking in arabic (or some other language) and all the writing on the blackboards were in foreign too. how the hell is that helping create a mulitcultural society when the kids dont speak english and are being encouraged NOT to fit in by their parents?

    New rules needed im afraid. Foreigners is welcome provided they take a citizenship test and oath which includes proving they know our laws and language. Then there is no excuse that they didnt understand the word police (despite having worked here for three years as an electrician)"

    "Although having said that, send me to any country in the world and i guarentee you i will know the word police in their language. Mainly because if im going on holiday somewhere i buy a phrase finder or do at least a little bit of research into the very basic words of their language.
    hello, goodbye, thankyou and police."

    Shall I go on? the majority of British citizens who live abroad do not and have no intention of learning the language of the country they reside in. But thats ok, cos there all a funny pinky white colour and not mucky brown eh!
  3. Gue

    Guest Guest

    not at all

    i welcome any foreigner to live here with the relevent paperwork. be that paperwork they have been given after arrival here or paperwork they brought with them.

    those that have come over here on a holiday visa for example and then ran off into the country are not welcome. they could be doing anything living under the radar and nobody would know who they were or where they were.

    i think that other countries should do the same to english people. if they run off into their country illegally then their balls should be ripped off too (not literally of course). nobody has any right to just wander off illegally into a country and take up residence there. obviously not paying tax etc because they are not legally there.

    i say again, anybody attempting to enter legally is welcome. anybody living here legally is welcome. those that arent well, we dont want them here taking the piss, just as i would hope they wouldnt want me if i sneaked into their country illegally.
  4. Gue

    Guest Guest


    "Sorry but if he was living here illegally then he should have had his balls ripped off first and then shot in the head. As should all illegal immigrants and foreigners living here without the proper paperwork.

    Send em back, we dont want them."

    You know nothing of the facts, yetr feel free to make a serious range of judgements based on not being there, not dealing with the incident, speaking to any memebers of this mans family or freinds, and yet, you seem to know so much.

    BTW, do you feel the same about the American, South African and Australian illiegal immigrants who live in the UK?
  5. Gue

    Guest Guest

    and again

    Are you talking about British people living abroad here too?

    "i can see what you're getting at but it does not create a multicultural society when they all speak different languages and make no attempt to speak the language of which they are living in.

    What it does is creates several different societies that are all alienated from each other."
  6. Gue

    Guest Guest

    colour of skin has nothing to do with my views

    and that is a totally honest answer.

    Ive seen a photo of the man and he looks 'white' on it. i dont know if it is just that photo or if the man is indeed white but as i said, colour of skin was not important.

    And yes i would say the same to anybody living illegally here regardless of colour or nationality and i would say the same about anybody living in any country illegally.
  7. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: What on earth are you two on about?

    can't educate Junior Enoch here matey.
  8. Gue

    Guest Guest

    and? what is your problem with that comment?

    it is very easy to just quote me but if you arent going to bother explaining what you dont like about it then you are wasting your time.
  9. Gue

    Guest Guest


    cos the general prose of your posts paints you as a jack booted fascist.
  10. Jay

    Jay Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    That's fair enough

    But the language you used originally and the fact that you posted it under a news story concerning an innocent guy that had been shot was very inflammatory and not particularly well judged, imho.

    Not that I'm anyone to judge on the matter of taste and decency (or anything else for that matter), but if you then go on to make valid points on the subject you're less likely to be listened to.
  11. Gue

    Guest Guest

    I'm just amazed

    How someone so niave can use the internet.
  12. Gue

    Guest Guest

    i apologise

    if it came across that way. the only reason that post was in that place was because someone said he may have been living here illegally. i was just replying to that one post and saying that IF he was living here ilegally then tough ****. i didnt mean to say that he was, just hypothetically if he were to have been. my feelings would be the same if for example TFP turned out to be german and living here illegally (hypothetically).
  13. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: really?

    maybe i am just not very good at writing and so the points of my posts tend to get a little lost? that doesnt make me racist.
  14. Gue

    Guest Guest

    again you are not explaining what you find so offensive or wrong about the post you quote

    Dont you think that when children born in this country are being told by their parents not to speak the language that it is going to creat problems?
  15. joc

    jock New Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    steady now sheff...

    i'll take your comment re half a brain with jest:eek:

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