No he’s learning his trade . Surely when we appointed him we weren’t thinking he was the finished article and he wouldn’t make mistakes or wrong decisions I believe we should stick with him and we’ll have a top head coach/manager sooner rather than later
No. It would be a pointless move. Bet Bristol City are pleased they stuck with Lee Johnson in a very similar situation.
This is my thinking. He can't be forever excused for not having the tools to work with compared to most other clubs, because unless the owners decide to ditch the plan and chuck money at it, the managers remit won't change. Eventually, something will have to give, and if Hecky can't make things happen with what he's got, then they will try someone else.
Chuff glad I'm not in the trenches with some....and I don't mean just on here... Those that arè prattling along have short memories.... same bloke they want to sack is the very same bloke who they hailed the new messiah who could do no wrong. The bloke moulded a team that was bottom of league one and got us to where we are now. It's not his fault the team was ripped apart and replace by players not ready for championship football collectively The team we have endured up to January's window have punched above their weight and both them and hecky should be praised not slaughtered for their achievements ...the fact we aren't in the bottom 3 is testimony to the way hecky has worked miracles with the hand he's been dealt. We are all football managers to hear us talk we all, at some point know better than than the bloke in charge ... we are all vocal but what the better so called managers do, is recognise when the bloke they are slagging off and who's head they are calling for is doing his best to keep us up. He's just got the experience and balance in the team he's been asking for, so now's not the time to judge him. It's interesting to see the majority of those calling for his head don't offer up the solution to fill the vacancy that they crave those that do offer up a name don't then back up their argument with any logical proof as to why their answer is the correct one. Yes we all have opinions that are shouted from the roof tops unfortunately some are based on emotion that at times feels valid but clouds the actual reality of the problem or situations we find ourselves in The secret of success is to know when to sit tight baton down the hatches and ride the storm out. Now is the time in my opinion do just that. Let's also throw this into the mix ... are those now calling for heckys head the very same fans who had ideas of grandeur who thought wed be ripping up the league because of the hype and speculation that was created with the 14 ( i think it was ) new players that arrived at the begining of the season ... and are now realizing they were wrong and feel deflated that their expectations havent been met. On the other hand could it be that Without provoking the old argument of told you so....which I recall somebody trying to do previously Many on here thought we would be this season's Rotherham including me... but up to press we've all been wrong .... are we now the ones who except it was and has been a struggle all season, hence we are more tolerable towards hecky and his position . Reason I voted no...i don't hold him responsible for the predicament we are in..i do however blame the lack of foresight on those whos plan we implemented a plan without an exit clause for both sucess, movement and growth.
NO. practically had to try and build a whole new team on a very small budget from lower league players with no championship experience, the last thing the manager and the team need now is the crowd getting on there backs , love to see us really have a real go at the pigs on Saturday and start with an attacking line up, were at home, get behind them from the start and give it some. the rest of the season starts Saturday
If they do sack Hecky (which I hope they don't) without having an immediate replacement lined up, we're well and truly screwed. To put Clapham in as Caretaker would lead to more uncertainty amongst the players plus another 3 or 4 "learning games" while the new manager settles in by which time we could be dead and buried. Wherever we are right now we need continuity and stability in the dressing room. Let's hope Hecky can do a "Flicker" and get them all fighting for each other 'til the end of the season.
This is just The Plan reaching it’s inevitable denouement. Totally unsustainable in the way it’s been managed and implemented.
At what point would that be though? Relegation was on the cards from the summer. If the worst happens if say he doesn't deserve to be sacked. Now if we stay up and continue like this will we not struggle again next season?
Well hopefully by the time we hit league 2 I hope the penny will have dropped Seriously I haven't a clue mate. All were doing now is guessing if he's any good based on his half a season in league one, and half a season away from home in the Championship with the same players. We didn't win at home for 3 months. The thoroughly frustrating thing is we haven't a clue if he's any good at the moment, and as long as he's here he's never going to have the players to prove anything one way or the other. He could go somewhere else with loads to spend and do well, or equally he could have a stinker and end up spending the rest of his years flitting from one lower league club to another. 6 wins from 30, tempts you to think that the players could have organised themselves and done better. Who knows? It's all guesswork, but the thing that's currently going against him is we've had a full 12 months of this now. We've been a half a season team for years, but we've now managed two bad half seasons back to back over a calendar year, and that's a long time to watch losing football.
I will say this, if it had been any other manager he would have had the fans screaming for his head a lot earlier than now !! He had better start delivering quickly, because even a saint has an end to his patience !!
No from me now, but only because he has signed a new contract. We would look a laughing stock if we were to sack him now. The run that he and his players are on though is abysmal. At other clubs he would have been sacked.
Now the ownership issue has been settled and, hopefully, finances will stabilise I would hope that recruitment and retention of players will improve. In the main I was pleased with our business in the window. I think it should be next season, at the earliest , before we question whether Hecky still has a role to play at Oakwell.