I think that if you start to sideline conversations you sidestep the fact that a forum is an open debate. I've tried to limit my posts on said subject, but to censor them would be a mistake in my book. I agree a few people make a boring noise on some threads, but I tend to skip past, or ignore them, if they descend into the same rhetoric, or alternatively make an inane comment, something I'm quite adept at.
I agree with what you are saying here. I never contribute to political threads. I have enough knowledge to hold a politics based conversation, but some people are just so passionate about it that they want to turn it into a heated debate or argument. And I simply don't have the inclination to get drawn into an argument with a fellow Reds fan/complete stranger. There are a handful of posters who jump on a non-political thread and make it political. That makes my **** ache. We have the option to not read clearly marked politics threads but some threads start out as asking for a recommendation for a decent fish shop and within the first page it becomes a Thatcher bashing thread.
The last couple of lines of that have made me chuckle. I'm with you its either anything is open for convo or football only.
I've gone for no on this one but gave it a bit of thought. 1. It would be an issue that the main board would look a bit barren if you remove the politics threads. 2. There are only so many of them because of the remarkable times we are living through at the moment. 3. Cant be arsed with switching between boards. Its probably the politics that keeps people active on the board at quiet times and if others couldn't be arsed with switching around they may just stop being arsed at all I contribute very little to the politics threads as people's views, probably including my own are so entrenched that most of them are the same conversation with the words in a different order. But I don't see a strong argument for moving them.
I write as a persistent offender. (Sadly not a persistent young offender.) There are threads on all sorts of things on this board. I believe it all adds to the rich tapestry and in many ways reflects a diverse array of interests, despite football being the thing that first brought us all here. Let's face it, there is often little to be said about the club between games, and outside of transfer windows. We've done 'past v present owners', 'Hecky v every other manager', 'investment v financial stability' to death. There are a wide variety of threads where practical and helpful advice is offered. I think you'll lose something if you try to limit the topics of debate. You might even miss out on my racing tips!
My views on it are that whilst i like the off topic threads on the whole, the political ones just end up very quickly being abusive. Yes, you can choose to avoid them and I tend to avoid them, depending on how much time I have on my hands. If we were talking about a small handful of threads then no problem. I looked on the board yesterday and it came across as though the political ones outnumbered football ones. That is the main problem I think. When I see a sea of political threads I just switch to doing something else and I'm sure I'm not the only one. This isn't going to go away anytime soon and with an election looming to boot it is probably going to swamp the BBS even more. My enjoyment of the board has dipped this past few months if I'm honest.
My rules on the subject 1 Not arsed dunt read thread 2 Not arsed dunt comment either But i might add if all the Politicians on ere had as much to say abart the football, well who knows. C. O. Y. R.
Sounds a bit like the old "Yorkshireman's advice to his son". Hear all, see all, say nowt. Eat all, drink all, pay nowt. And if ever tha does owt for nowt... Allus do it for thissen.
It's not just politics that people rip each other apart over, as another thread on here demonstrates. I never thought Mel Machin was so divisive.
I don't think that another sub-forum is a good idea. There are already a few, but the only one I ever read is this "main forum" (Bulletin Board), and I would guess that that's the case with most people in here. However, instead of setting up another forum, how about setting some set of rules? Multiple threads about the same subject for example, that has always been a bit of a problem in here. Now, I kind of like it how this BBS is more like a chatroom than a forum, but we've got some repeat offenders in here who occasionally make the BBS really confusing to read. No matter how much you want your opinion on Brexit or fox hunting to be heard, do not start yet another new thread with some non-descriptive and vague title like "In My Opinion........", just post in an existing thread instead. I guarantee that anyone who's really interested in what you've got to say, will still read it. And those who aren't interested, will not have to read it!
In my opinion any political debate boils down to which persuasion of out of touch rich folks you like to pretend aren’t lying to you for their own personal gain.
Can't miss the tips Mr Kaht! As for the main request for views on threads it would be a mistake to put 'political' threads on another board. It's an oversimplified way of viewing the nature of the threads themselves. A) Many of the football threads become politicised as it is. B) Some people would hijack threads and turn them political in any case meaning they would need constant vetting and censoring. C) It's easy to ignore political threads as it is. D) Censoring peoples' ability to speak is never a good idea in any context in any case - look at the problems proroguing parliament caused ( sorry for the political comment). E) Some politics threads, like em or not do actually have informed factual comments in them. The best thing to do, obviously, is to ban all FOOTBALL threads because loads of people talk enough bollo.cks about that!
I agree to a trial to gauge how I would finally vote but then the question in the poll doesn`t mention the word trial.
There’s something fishy over this voting imo. I’m thinking the yes campaign have recruited members to log in and vote for yes . I move that votes in the actual thread be counted rather than a poll . Any seconders?
Although I rarely contribute to those threads, my personal opinion is that they should not be moved. The beauty and strength of this BBS for me is that even though this is primarily a football fan site, it welcomes and encourages all topics on the main forum. It creates a somewhat unique feel, rarely seen elsewhere, if at all and certainly not generic. I don't understand the need to be the same as other sites, with their demands for any debate, whether football or not, to be pigeon holed into numerous sections.
This is a major constitutional issue for the BBS and (presently) the voting hasn’t passed the two thirds majority!!