A lot of people jumping into conclusions here. Let's wait and see because nobody knows what the hells gone off behind the scenes. So let's wait and see some facts before we shoot down simoes
Buying a football shirt to a footballer is like us buying a penny chew. Maybe he got it on amazon prime, next day delivery
Sometimes the selfie camera does that though (appears the wrong way round). I zoomed in on his eyes to see if there was a reflection (like Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks), but couldnt make it out
Think a few people could do with reading the interview on this kids background before they jump down his throat, still young. I suspect if he was a local lad he would be given a lot more slack to develop then he gets from our fans. Cost us next to nothing, can go on loan again to develop and mature.
I think people are reading too much into it. A poor choice of shirts yes, but players swap shirts with their friends quite abit on social media. If you regularly watch his social media updates he’s been doing a lot of training on his own and with Palmer. So I think the “dead” is just a reference to him being dead after training. I don’t think there’s any conspiracy here