I must confess, I had completely forgotten about his conviction. It was a truly despicable act and one he should really regret to this day even though it was so many years ago. I will now take time out to contemplate my unfortunate comment.
Some people can still appreciate the art of their craft and look past horrible acts. I'm sure people still listen to Gary Glitter or Ian Watkins songs to this day. Boycott was before my time but I can appreciate he was a quality cricket player. It does seem crazy for someone with his conviction to get a knighthood though. I can't seperate crime from talent, which is why since Chris Benoit killed his wife, son and then himself, I haven't watched any of his old wrestling matches even though he's one of the best technical wrestlers ever.
Not a particularly likeable person, very self-centred and selfish. There is however a suggestion that his accuser was not telling the truth. We cannot conclude beyond any kind of reasonable doubt that he commited this crime. Take a look back over the case and the statements from those involved.
Totally arrogant odious git. Talks a good game but played it like he was the only one in the team. Technically gifted player but wasted his talent. Only batsman to be dropped after making 250 in a test match for scoring too slow. Only Yorkshire captain to inspire a go-slow by the rest of the team.... Makes me cringe when he’s on TMS.
He was convicted in court and his conviction upheld on appeal- thats sort of more relevant than some newspaper column saying there is a suggestion his GF was lying- Medical evidence was clear that the injuries couldnt have been caused by a single fall and was a result of repeated blows Dont forget he also ignored the government and England team and went on the rebel tour to South Africa - that also should disqualify him from a knighthood - as should his comments about needing to "black up" to get one.
I’ve noticed an interesting cultural response to the ‘me too’ movement with aggressive victim doubting recently. I watched Dave Chappelle’s recent stand up special where his general response was ‘I don’t believe those kids, and even if he did it, those kids were lucky to be molested by the king of pop’ regarding Michael Jackson and ‘who cares’ regarding Louis ck. Very odd show. Not all aimed at you, just something I’ve noticed.
Considering you've tagged me in a post that is inferring something against my nature and you are yet to reply to me or remove the tag I am now reporting you to the moderators. Very poor form.
I agree with this, particularly with reference to Jackson. Was just pointing out there was contrary evidence put forward and some that came to light thereafter. I was not saying he was innocent.
There's a lot more than one newspaper column out there which is why i said take a look back. See my previous response. I was a victim of domestic violence for a couple of years where i had my ribs broke, had a wine glass smashed into my arm cutting down to the bone and suffered quite a few black eyes. I do not condone violent acts.
A court in full possession of the evidence determined he was guilty. That article strikes me as a bit weird - I'm not sure why someone would phone someone who was suing them to tell them that they had just slipped and fallen over
Great cricketer, one of the best but no Knight his involvement in the SA tour during apartheid was shameful and his assault on a girlfriend. Cricket has a habit of glossing over indiscretion when it suits
His house is up for sale if anyone has a spare 2.85m lying around - https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-72999736.html Obviously a picture of himself takes pride of place in the kitchen
Yep, used to be a hero of mine but reading up on him he's gone way down in my estimation, in fact fck him. A truly horrible excuse of a man & I couldn't give a toss about the toss pot.