Best chance of keeping those players would be having Championship survival to fight for though. It’s all speculative anyway and I very much doubt this is the route they would go down, just saying it feels the fairest in light of what is happening.
I think bids will come in for Cauley and as we know the board would sanction it. He will be playing 8n the championship no matter what I'm sure,
Let me think about it for a second... no chance. Can you see the Premier League starting with Liverpool given a twenty five point advantage.?
If Woodrow doesn’t ask for a move then we don’t really have evidence to look back on to say the board would definitely sanction it. I’m hopeful that if he does move on it will be for good money and on the back of him deserving a big move because he’d played his socks off for us and been successful. Successful meaning Championship football for us next season.
BBC article outlines three possible solutions to promotion and relegation re- declare the whole season null and void and presumably start afresh in August with the same teams that are in each league now, use the tables in each League as they stand now viz: for relegation and use the play offs to decide promotion from the Championship and Leagues 1 and 2. Coronavirus: How will the suspension affect football in Britain?
To avoid the potential legal disputes that come with not handing them the title? Possibly. If it went to a vote you might be surprised too. All hypothetical though.
If we are going to have the goalposts moved during the season then maybe its time to pack in watching football all together. A season consists of a required number of games to be fulfilled not any more or any less.
If no European leagues manage to conclude or the Eurooa and Champions league then it makes sense to start with the same teams afresh and I think that is what will happen, everyone back to square 1.
If they did get the title awarded there would be no open top bus parade etc. And I think wouldnt feel quite right . Different if they hadn't gone off the boil at Watford .
As far as I can see the last time the league was cancelled was at the start of WW2, season 1939/40...only 3 games had been played by the teams and they just stopped and started afresh with a full programme of fixtures with same teams in 1946.
The issue is never going to be if Liverpool is awarded it will always be the other end of the table. Watford staying up at Bournemouth expense as result of a one goal difference, guarantees a court case as a result of lost revenue.
Karen Brady wants the season cancelled, I've always liked her....
There is only 9 games left so I think the best thing is to play them when we can. We could play them even in august then 2 weeks off for the playoffs. Then straight into then next season. Cancel the league cup fa cup and Johnson's paint for 1 season just play league fixtures to catch time up. Back to normal for 20 21. Best of a bad situation for me.
I really can’t see the season being concluded it’s really harsh for Liverpool and Leeds etc but there is more to life than football. I suspect the season will just be scrapped and started again in August - anything else is unworkable
Exactly serves em' right. They've played like you know whats last month n' should have had it wrapped up.
Would be a disgrace if so though? You can't play 80 percent of the season and then just pretend it didn't happen. If after the suspension they can't start playing in front of gates again I think they should play behind closed doors to end the season with a skeleton staff at the games. There's no greater risk there than in anything else really
Is there nothing in the EFL or FA rule book that mentions not finishing season . I know clubs can be punished for not finishing for one reason or another just wondered if there was anything for full competition cancellation eg war etc ?
Not wishing to be a 'merchant of doom' but all the above assume the situation will be back to normal by mid August (bearing in mind it is already mid March and we are nowhere near a peak when it comes to the Corona virus Pandemic. Furthermore, the EFL, FA, and EUFA organisations at the top are full of people in the high risk category incapable of making rational fair judgements at the best of times. God knows what they will come up with as a solution and even if they do, as people say it will not satisfy everyone and any ensuing legal actions, injunctions etc could drag on for months. Even if it was quickly resolved some clubs already teetering on the brink of insolvency will probably go to the wall and whilst Governments are trying to minimise the financial impacts for industry and commerce I really can't see football clubs being exactly high on the list of priorities. Nor do I see SKY, the FA (the.. err.. richest league in the World) coming to the aid of those in dire straights in the 'dog-eat-dog' World of pro football. My main concern is that the Big clubs, FA and SKY could see it as a catalyst and an opportunity to promote their plan for a European Super League or at the least a 'PLII' and that would change the face of football as we know it forever.