Your ‘idiot’ comment wasnt in reference to xenophobia comment by @Tyketical Masterstroke - it was in reference to Labour / political point scoring. The xenophobia stuff followed, so what you’re saying doesn’t really make sense; counterfactual, if you will. for what it’s worth I share your view re the borders, well insofar as they’re making a complete hash of it. But my point was I think it’s a bit harsh to brand someone an idiot just because you don’t share their views and vice versa. That’s how it reads to me, anyway. I’m right on that point. I wouldn’t say his views are inflammatory at all to be fair, but I appreciate that’s very subjective
I’ve rarely commented, you’re falling into the hole (as per ST and TM) of imagining my posts. And I’ll reiterate I posted ‘evidence based’, and I don’t recall reading one of those. Just people complaining about ‘face nappies’ and ‘lockdown fetishists’. It’s pigeon chess and that’s why I refuse to get dragged in.
I’m surprised that you ‘know’ what drove my comment (well you’re wrong - but you’re entitled to speculate). You may have thought that to be the case The ‘idiot’ had referred to me as xenophobic and I responded in kind. From 8:34 And if you’re not reading his description of everyone who doesn’t follow his path as ‘fetishists’ and worse (I really can’t be arsed to search his poison) then that’s fine, again, you’re entitled to your opinion, as am I.
Did we have restrictions to life for the decades it took to LOWER the impact of those viruses (rather than eradicating them as you try to make out)?
Todays figures of positive cases is 6238. On the 1st of May it was 1300. 1 week ago the UK had 20800 reported postive cases from the previous week. Today its 29028 cases up to 28th May a rise of 40%. Lancashire alone has reported 699 new cases in the last week a jump of 113% from the week previous. (This does not include the areas such as Bolton Blackburn Greater Manchester Bury Burnley Preston and Salford etc)
Once more - I’m not getting into a debate with you about what the right answer is, because I’m not a virologist. We both agree that our government has made a mess of it. And we both know that medical science has all bar eradicated plenty of diseases in the past
There are also plenty of events being postponed/cancelled/pushed back to next year because organisers don't want to take the risk due to this shambles of a govt.
I was speaking more hypothetically to be fair so no holes to fall in to. No idea what nappies and lockdown fetishists are but sound like ones/people to avoid, I just meant there have been suggestions for other strategies that haven't been based on less evidence than our actual strategy, it just sounds like they haven't appealed to you as viable options.
These are the posts I struggle to comprehend - the refusal to acknowledge that there are significant and unprecedented restrictions in place. There’s a de facto ban in place on leaving the island to all but the most obscure of destinations. What exactly is the benefit of being able to book gigs and festivals that are unlikely to take place? What’s the benefit of booking a foreign holiday when as you rightly state yourself, at very best you’re going to be required to undergo long quarantines. There’s still very little prospect that the majority of people will be allowed in to Oakwell. This pretence that there aren’t still significant restrictions in place, I just don’t get it. By the way - have you checked that R0 for the Delta variant yet, as you seem to have missed my post correcting the misinformation in your calculations, and @Donny-Red is a stickler for only posting facts.
Boris will hopefully grow a set and tell people telling him different that he's in charge and what he says goes. That all sounds very rubbish.
So scary here in highest risk Indian variant area Kirklees with deaths at 1 in a week same as last week and two less people in hospital. Dunno how we will cope. Mark Dolan has been class since his Balls Of Steel presenting days.
I quoted Tarntyke because TM was being a nob to him too. So the sub thread made perfect sense to me, but I can see how you saw it differently
Our strategy stinks. And the reason I don’t get into these discussions is that unless you 100% agree with the forum Karens, you’re accused of supporting the government. There’s no discussion to be had, no nuance. Last night I entered this thread to mention the total shambles that is our border policy and was called xenophobic. That’s the level of political discourse in any thread involving Covid, it’s utterly pathetic.
I can relate to this and other parts of your post more than you probably appreciate. It's a regular occurrence for me on here.
Can you just point to where I was rude to Tarntyke in the post please, only I can’t see it? Genuinely, it would be helpful - and I must have missed it because you only post fact based stuff. By the way, ‘idiot’, ‘nob’ and ‘Karen’. Running the full gamut of insults, aren’t we?